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"Wake up, Robs." I whispered, gently shaking her awake. Her hair was all over the place. I smiled as I curled her locks around my finger.

She gave me a cute little pout, the groaned, "Margot...no..."

"It's important." I insisted.

She emitted a loud sigh and sat up. "What's going on?" Robyn asked as she stretched her limbs.

"Someone took a picture of you two lovely lovebirds kissing." Max told her and showed her the picture. "You couldn't even stop sucking faces in public?"

"In our defense," I said in irritation, giving Max a cold scowl. "No one gave us a second look and we figured no one would care. We were in disguises!"

Robyn sighed, staying level-headed. "Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later. But the question is, what will happen for your careers?"

"And for yours." I added gravely and held her hand. "We're going to get shit from management, aren't we?"

"Yeah. Either damage control or just simply ignoring it. They can't do anything about it right now. I mean, the concert's only a few hours away. " Max drummed his fingers on his phone with a frown etched deeply on his face. "At this point, nothing matters, except that we need someone playing keyboard. You two can keep fucking each other in public, God knows where you haven't done anything."

I punched his arm. "Bastard."

"Guys?" Lo called from the back of the jet.

"Yeah?" We chorused, looking in his direction.

"There's a picture with Margot and Rih ki-"

"We know!"

"Oh." He paused, and then added, "So Robyn's not interested in me?"


"Got a keyboardist yet?" I tiredly asked Max and Logan.

"Nope. None like Harrison, that is. And none that can come in time." Logan replied grumpily, and put his phone in his pocket. "I'm out of contacts."

"Me too." I said. "I don't want Robyn's pianist." There was nothing wrong with the guy, the vibe just wouldn't be the same. He was...older.

"That is a very last resort." Max agreed, and held a finger to his lips. "Yo, Ry! Could I ask you for a big favor...?"

"Who's he talking to?" I asked Logan.

"Some chick in a pop band. Think her name is...Ryan?"

"What band is she in?"

"I dunno. But it's pretty much her family and I think a friend."

I remembered the name quickly. "Oh, you mean Rydel from R5?"

"Yeah, yeah, her. She's pretty hot." Logan smirked, and was obviously thinking about her judging by the various facial expressions. He moved on quickly from my Robyn. I wasn't complaining.

Max suddenly shrieked with glee while jumping around. His eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets. "Seriously?! God, you're the best. Come as soon as you can! I'll text you the details, I've got some shit to do. Yeah. Okay. Looking forward to seeing you! Thanks again so much. Okay, bye!" He removed the phone from his ear and ended the call.

"Guys..." Max grinned.

"She confirmed." I rolled my eyes, but smiled in relief. She would not replace Harrison in the least, but this Rydel would be a good substitute. What she played in her band was somewhat similar to what we played. I hoped she'd flow with us well.

"What a party pooper." Max huffed. "It just so happens she's close by with her band anyways and they're not doing a show tonight."

Logan laughed. "Our asses are saved!"

"Alright, guys, c'mon!" The drummer's game face was on. "We've got an opening act that needs perfecting, whether Rydel is here yet or not."

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