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A week later, the band was in our separate dressing rooms preparing to go on stage. I had a makeup artist that was more than willing to do my makeup, but Robyn told her she'd do it herself. So there I was, sitting in a chair, twitching while Robyn attempted to put on my eyeliner.

"Sit still, girl, or I'm going to poke your eye out." She threatened.

"It feels like you're trying to do just that." I muttered, and she rolled her eyes at me.

"I'm almost done, okay?"

"Yeah, alright." I sighed, and attempted to keep a straight face.

"Thank you." She smiled in relief. "And...there we go. Finished."

Robyn turned my chair around so I was facing the mirror. Wow. She really did wonders; I looked hot. My eyes stood out. A pity they were not a more attractive color, but it didn't matter. I grinned with delight.

I cupped her face in my hands. "You're amazing, you know that? Truly amazing."

She laughed, and flicked her hand in a 'oh, stop' sort of way. "It's not really a big deal. I had a beautiful model to work with."

I rolled my eyes. "Kiss-ass."

Someone knocked the door and grunted, "Arrogant Smirk is on stage in five."

I took a deep breath, and closed my eyes. "Well, I'd better go meet the boys."

"Don't be nervous, the fans will love you." Robyn comforted me. Her lips lightly touched my forehead. "You guys will do great."

"Thanks." I whispered, and pulled her into a hug. I hopped off the chair and grabbed my guitar from its stand. "Oh, and good luck to you, too."

She laughed softly, reminding me that she'd been doing this for years and didn't need some amateur's good wishes. "Thanks, Margot. I'll see you later."


A loud murmuring of different voices filled the stadium. The stage was dark, and the people had seen our silhouettes moved to our respective places. I saw the lights of phones and heard a few incorrigible shouts. My eyes fluttered, and my hands positioned themselves to get ready for the song.

The lights flashed on as I began to play. Screams filled the stadium, but I never lost focus. My attention was on my electric guitar, Logan's bass, Harrison's keyboard, and Max's drums. The people-I supposed it would be safe to call them fans-screamed the lyrics to "Take Me". Logan and I moved about, jumping and facing each other. The energy of the band and the crowd was almost tangible.

When the song ended, the fans screamed and clapped and shouted our names. We played six more songs for them, two of our most famous covers and four original songs that we had recorded at the studio. If I had ever doubted the popularity of Arrogant Smirk, our first opening act had proved me wrong over and over. By the end of the act, we were all sweaty and tired, high off of the energy that filled the stadium.

"Thank you!" I yelled into the microphone. "Thank you so damn much!"

We made our way backstage, and passed Robyn Fenty. I must've looked like a mess. But she still gave me a wide smile that made me feel like a million bucks. I grinned back at her.

"You guys really rocked out there!" She congratulated us, hugging the boys and saving me for last. She gave me a subtle kiss on my earlobe, and quickly released me.

"Thanks." Logan grinned happily. "It was amazing."

"Yup. Truly glorious." Harrison chimed in. He put his arms around my and Max's shoulders. "Fucking fantastic."

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