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"What do you mean, she's sick?!"

Harrison was a generally quiet guy, and this one was of the few times I had ever heard him raise his voice. He was yelling at the phone in the beach house living room. The rest of the boys and I were in the area as well, and it was an uncomfortable scene. We wouldn't have been there at all if it hadn't been for Max. He was making us sandwiches at the bar

Harry's shouting had interrupted a rather sexual conversation I was having with Robyn by text. I wanted to see her later today, and as we were about to arrange a time and place, my phone slipped out of my hands with another obnoxiously loud cry.

I looked at the culprit in annoyance. "Quiet down, will you?"

He glared in my direction, but not at me. I picked up my phone and tossed it lightly on the coffee table. Robyn had some urgent shit to do anyways.

Harrison mumbled a few words into the phone, and put in his pocket. A loud sigh blew out of the keyboardist's mouth. "My mom's sick, and my sister wants me to come home."

"What." Logan stated in surprise. His game was abandoned by this point. "We're leaving town tonight. Dude, we're the opening act. I mean, if your mom's got a cold, tell her to take NyQuil or-"

"It's not a fucking cold." Harrison snapped. "She's sick. Real sick. Apparently she got bitten by my uncle's goddamn snake and she got to the hospital a bit late. The doctors don't know if she's gonna make it."

I quirked an eyebrow. "But doesn't your mother pull stunts like this 'cause she doesn't want you to be a musician?"

The woman had literally jumped out of a two-story window, crashed her car into a tree, ate shellfish (she was allergic), and drilled her hand into a table deliberately so her son would change his mind about being a full-time musician. This happened all within the year we had started to take our band seriously. I think it had to do with Harrison's father. He was never mentioned much, but it was hinted that Harrison's dad was involved in a decent band and drug addictions.

"You're not going to get involved in that junk that your father did!" she had screamed and threw multiple pots at him, even when he locked his bedroom door.

"I know. But my sister's never lied to me before, so I don't know what to believe." He pulled at his blond locks in frustration.

In the kitchen, I saw Max drumming his fingertips on the counter. Four perfectly-made sandwiches were served up on the bar. "Dude, if you have to go to the hospital, you need to make a decision now. If it's true, your mom could be dying right now. If it's not, well, we still need to get a backup for you."

"Okay." Harrison breathed and shut his eyes. "I'll have to go. It's the safest choice."

"I'll help you gather your stuff, man." Logan volunteered, tossing his phone next to mine. "The beach house won't be ours anymore at midnight."

The two disappeared into the master bedroom to pick out Harry's things from the large pigsty. Max sighed sadly at his untouched sandwiches, and sat alone at the bar to eat his.

I walked to the seat next to his and started munching on mine. "They're really good." I commented.

"Thanks." He mumbled, and swallowed. "It's gonna be weird playing without him."

I nodded, and picked out an unwanted tomato. "Yeah. I really hope his mom isn't dying this time."

"Same, man." The drummer agreed, mouth full of whole-wheat goodness. "Oh! Before I forget, I wanna ask you something."

"Mmhm." I devoured the sandwich. God, I was hungry. Hadn't eaten a sandwich this good in awhile.

"I know you and Rihanna are dating."

The sandwich exploded out of my mouth to the once-clean bar. Bits of lettuce, tomato, and meat covered in saliva were all over. Max looked at me in humor, but rolled his eyes at the mess.

I looked at him with wide eyes. "How'd you find out?"

"It was kind of obvious, you know." He shrugged. "But I'd have to say I first noticed when you guys got off the Ferris wheel. There was an interestingly-placed lipstick stain. Don't worry." He added hastily at my shocked expression. "No one saw, it was hardly noticeable.

"I hardly believed it, but the morning after she stayed, I went into your bathroom to see if you had, well, better shampoo than we did. You did, by the way. I noticed the sheets on your bed were wet and smelled of sex. That's when I knew for sure."


"Logan's a bit suspicious, but not too much. He ships it though. Harrison's a daydreamer, so he has no clue."

I groaned and covered my face with my hands. "I can't believe you actually KNOW."

Max laughed teasingly and punched me on the arm. "I'm your best friend, Mars. Of course I know."

"You haven't told anyone, right?" I returned his stare.

"Not a soul. I won't, ever. It might ruin Arrogant Smirk's career. And maybe Rihanna's. I mean, Robyn's. Man, I haven't had a proper conversation with her in ages! Bet you have. Or maybe not..." He winked at me suggestively. I rolled my eyes and punched him, cycling back to our brother-sister bond.

That's when I realized Max would keep quiet about it. I knew he would keep the secret, and Robyn and I would be okay. Our relationship would further into something better, and we'd come out about it in time. It would HAVE to turn out like this, but some part of myself was dreading the future. Like something bad was going to happen.

God, I really hoped not.

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