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There are moments in my life, I think in everyone's life, when you do stupid shit that you don't think won't have consequences. Just because it's your first time. Now, I'm a cautious person. I never relax.

For example, my friends once attempted to sneak me out to this alcohol-infested high school party to get to me chill out. I was kind of curious about it, and after a lot of convincing, I wanted to go. However, my dad heard one of them trip over a tree stump. My phone ended up "lost" in a Christmas decoration box in the attic for two months. It was a tragic time.

There was something about being with Rihanna, the international pop star, that was exciting. But the real thrill laid with Robyn Fenty, the hilarious and fascinating woman who entranced me with just a look.

The only reason why I even mentioned the stupid shit was, well, no one has invincible secrecy.

"This is so boring." Logan grumbled, slumped in his chair.

We were waiting at the airport for our private jet to be ready. Max, Logan, Robyn, and I (obviously) wore sunglasses and hats to hide our identities from the public. It worked well enough; no one gave us any second glances. It felt wonderfully ordinary. I sighed in content, ignoring Logan's ranting.

Max groaned in annoyance. "When's the jet gonna be ready, so Logan can shut the fuck up?"

"Soon, hon." Robyn said for what seemed like the millionth time.

"But you've said that already." I complained and made sure to pout extra cutely. She tried to fight a smile, but was unsuccessful. Robyn discretely holds my hand. Our intertwined digits are thankfully hidden by my duffel bag.

Her skin felt so good against mine, even for this uncertain amount of time. I grinned happily and closed my eyes.

A rough nudge made me open my eyes in irritation. "Hey, lovebirds, cool it." Max hissed, and snuck a glance at Logan. The bassist had his own eyes closed and was tapping his fingers to the beat of the music coming through his earphones. "Someone might recognize us, plus Lo's not gonna be distracted forever."

Robyn gave him a nice view of her middle finger and kissed my hand. I stuck out my tongue at Max in victory. Then she released me. Ugh. Max just gave me an "arrogant smirk" and turned his attention to his phone.

I bit my lip in order to withhold every intention of murdering Max. After a few minutes, I was pretty sure I was gnawing the crap out of my bottom lip. Robyn pinched my forearm to get my attention. "Margot, quit it."

"What?" I murmured grumpily and crossed my arms over my chest.

"For such a sexy woman who's been on magazine covers and shit, you are such a baby." She rolled her eyes.

I bit my lip, again, in retaliation. She pinched me, again, but harder. I let a small yelp escape my lips. Robyn gave me a short apologetic peck on the lips. "Cute whiny bitch." She whispered, and pulled out a magazine to read.

I just sat there and grinned like an idiot, whispering back, "Gorgeous well-dressed sadist." Which earned a punch on the arm. I decided to people-watch after that, and immediately wished I hadn't.

Two girls, a blond carrying a camera and a punk with blur hair. They were talking excitedly to themselves. They might have even been looking in our direction. The pair were gazing in delight at the screen of the camera. I wondered what was so interesting, but decided to look elsewhere. Some bratty kid had stolen his father's wallet.

"The jet's ready." Robyn announced.

Logan jumped in relief and exclaimed, "Man, that's got to be the greatest thing I've heard in a long time."

"Quit calling attention to yourself, you attention whore." Max growled, picking up his bags. "Let's leave before they start looking to closely."

And we were off to the second stop of the tour. The private jet was amazing, built for comfort and looking sleek. There was even free Wi-Fi! It was the nicest vehicle I had ever been in, but I wanted to get off as soon as I got in. I had never went on a plane. I certainly did not want to start now.

Safety precautions later, Robyn nudged me with her elbow. "You okay? I know you don't like heights."

"F-f-fine. For n-now, at least." I stammered. She held my hand and leaned her head on my shoulder for comfort. No one was watching us; Logan was watching anime in the back and Max was taking a nap. Her touch helped, but the windows were still in my view. I shut my eyes and concentrated on her warmth of her fingertips stroking my thigh.

"Robs." I whimpered as the plane was gathering speed on the runway.

"Shhh, babe. You'll be okay. Keep your eyes closed. Focus on me." She told me. Robyn draped a toned leg across my thighs, and another. She was now sitting on my lap. I held her waist close as she kissed my face over and over to keep me calm.

The plane was now in the air. I hugged her so close to me we might as well have been one person. After a few minutes, she chuckled and said, "MaMa, you're crushing me."

"Sorry." I replied quickly and loosened my grip. I was hoping she wasn't paying much attention to my face. It felt warm.

She leaned her head on my chest and put a hand over my heart. "Your heart's pounding." Robyn said matter-of-factly and kissed me where her hand was.

"Hey, uh, what's going on over there?" Logan asked loudly. Robyn scrambled back into her seat, leaving her legs on my lap. He must have seen her head from the back of my seat.

"Nothing." I said, trying to think of an excuse. "Uh-"

"Just trying to distract Margot from the height." Robyn said smoothly.

"M'kay." He replied and went back to his anime. He didn't question it. I sighed softly in relief.

"Let's sleep, yeah?" Robyn suggested to me.

"Okay." I agreed, and we drifted off into dreams with each other in arm's reach.


A rough nudge awakened me from dreaming of my girlfriend. I cracked an eye open and saw Max with a worried face. "What, Maxwell?" I said sleepily.

"Picture. Marih. Kissing. Airport." He said urgently and showed me his phone.

That's when I saw what those two girls were talking about. Shit.

Arrogant Smirk (A Rihanna Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now