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I didn't talk to Rydel much when she finally came an hour and a half before the concert. I only said hi, and then she started to complement about my fashion sense. She talked quite a bit. I mostly listened. Robyn was there to watch us practice, and I noticed she was watching us with a sour face. I thought we'd sounded good. I mean, Rydel was catching on well, even if she wasn't Harrison. And, I had to admit, it was sort of nice not being the only girl in the band.

"You sounded great, baby." Robyn told me with a lovely smile and kissed me full on the lips. I was surprised by this act of affection, but I guess PDA didn't matter anymore since the picture was taken.

I saw Rydel in the middle of approaching me as Robyn kissed me. She was as surprised as I was but she looked happy for us. My girlfriend held my hand and smirked devilishly at Rydel. Rydel, however, grinned pleasantly back, which threw Robyn off for some reason.

"You guys look really good together." The keyboardist told us. "I knew it was real. I saw a few of your interviews. And the picture, of course."

"Thanks." I replied and squeezed Robyn's hand. She was still observing Rydel wearily but gave her a small smile.

Robyn kissed my cheek and told me, "I've got to go to my dressing room and get ready. See you later?"

"Of course." I smiled at her, and gave her a tiny wave. "Bye."

Rydel looked at her fleeting figure, and looked back at me once my girlfriend was out of sight. "Is she jealous or something?" She asked me curiously. "I don't think she likes me much."

I shrugged. "I'm not sure." I really wasn't. She'd never acted like that before. Although, in hindsight, it was really nice...

"Well, if that's not jealousy, I don't know what is." The blond laughed. "Where are the dressing rooms?"

"This time, we four share one." I told her in disappointment. I liked having my own. Who knows what would happen? Bumping into each other, bickering, throwing makeup products. The awful possibilities were endless.


"Logan, get your hand out of my fucking makeup bag!"

"But what if I want face paint too?"

Yeah. My pessimism is always spot-on.

He wasn't bothering Rydel, who was peacefully applying her makeup. She was, of course, watching our banter though the mirror. And I can tell you, there wasn't just makeup on her face. There was also a smirk. She was adjusting well to our band. Needless to say, I was pleased.

"Jesus, you're almost as annoying as Harrison tonight." I grumbled and fished out my eyeliner from the bag. I bit my lip. I was never good at eyeliner. Or any sort of makeup for that matter.

Rydel noticed my dilemma. "Here, let me do it." She offered and moved her chair in front of my face.

The blond studied me and started giving me commands. I had no idea what the hell she was putting on my face. But I assumed she knew what she was doing, because her face looked perfect.

"Hmm." She murmured, leaning closer with her brush. Her hand tilted my head upwards.

Max wolf-whistled cheekily at me. "Damn." He grinned.

"Shut up." I turned to him, but Rydel turned me back to face her.

"Don't move." She reminded me.

"Yeah, Margot." Max added annoyingly. I exhaled loudly in frustration.

A few seconds later, the door handle moved and there holding it open was Robyn. A smile disappeared from her face as soon as she saw me and Rydel. Her cheeks turned a light pink. In one of her hands was a makeup bag.

"I was just checking if you needed someone to do your makeup." She said coldly. "But I guess you've got that covered."

"Rih..." I started to say.

"Be ready in ten." Was all she remarked before leaving.

I sighed, and looked at Rydel. "Are you done?"

"Wait...yup, you're all set." She smiled, and gave me a pat on the shoulder. "I'd go get her if I were you."

I grimaced in return. "Thanks." I stood up from the chair without bothering to look at myself in the mirror. I had to find my girlfriend, and figure out what was the matter with her. Relationships were so complicated. I was so in love with her, though. I wondered if she really knew that. Like, knew what it meant.

A bunch of people were scurrying about, trying to get everything ready for the show. They were too busy to look at me. Some of the new people I hadn't ever seen before gave me a glance, though. Guess they had seen the picture, or were just admiring my nice celebrity ass. Ha.

My eyes quickly found her name on her dressing room, so I opened it to find her half-dressed. She was in the middle of choosing an outfit.

I closed the door behind me. "Robyn, what's the matter?" I asked, trying not to look at anything below her eyes.

She covered herself with her hands. "Turn around." My hormonal girlfriend glared.

"Okay, fine." I sighed defeatedly. I heard the swooshes of clothes and the metallic sound of her moving things on the rack of clothing. I impatiently tapped my foot.

Robyn hissed in reply, "Be patient!"

"Look, I just don't get why you're so upset all of a sudden." I angrily remarked. I turned around, not giving a damn whether she was dressed or not. She huffed at me as she put on a weird designer shirt. "Just tell me why!"

"I'm jealous, okay?!" Robyn shouted. She looked surprised at her sudden outburst, and covered her face with her hands.

Arrogant Smirk (A Rihanna Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now