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By the time the Ferris wheel controls were fixed, we were all disoriented from our heated make-out session. We looked like we had sex (which we might have gotten to, if the repairman hadn't been so good at his job). My shirt was thrown on the bottom of the cart, our hair was messy and stuck up in strange angles, and Robyn's lipstick prints were...well, where wasn't it?

The cart started to slowly descend. I quickly put on my shirt and tried to wipe off the lipstick. Robyn hummed as she fixed her hair, then mine. I got most of the lipstick off, and wiped my hands on my jeans. Some still lingered around visible parts of my body.

"Could you help me?" I asked. "I don't think I've gotten all of the prints off."

"'Course." Robyn replied, and rummaged around her purse. It took awhile, and we were already halfway down the Ferris wheel. My leg anxiously thumped repeatedly, but I didn't tell her to hurry.

She finally pulled something out. Makeup wipes. She took one out of the baby blue package and started wiping my shoulders and neck.

I was slightly annoyed. "You had makeup wipes this whole time and you didn't tell me?"

Robyn laughed and wiped my lips slowly with the wipe, like she was fondly remembering what happened minutes ago. "Hey, don't blame me, I forgot. Sorry."

"You don't sound very sorry." I murmured in her ear.

She shivered just for a moment, then gently raked her nails from my jaw to my shoulder. "Would you like to make me sorry?"

"ARE YOU GUYS OKAY?!" Harrison yelled, causing us both to jump apart.

I cleared my throat. "We're fine!" I responded loudly. The cart eased to a stop in front of the guys, who looked at us worriedly. I didn't feel bothered by the height when I was with Robyn, but once I stepped on the ground...

"MAX!" I yelled in relief as I tackle-hugged him. He stumbled, and barely managed to hold me. "That was so fucking high! You'd think I was gonna visit Jesus or something."

He laughed and hugged me tightly. "You're back to Earth, Mars. Chill."

Logan and Harrison laughed at me, then Lo turned to Robyn. "Was she all panicky and stuff up there?"

"Sort of. But she ended up being okay afterwards." She answered, winking at me. I felt my cheeks warm up and hid my face in Max's shoulder. When I looked up, she was staring at the ground with a flicker of annoyance in her eyes.

Robyn hooked her arm through Logan's. "I'm feeling kind of tired. " she told him, leaning slightly forward. "Why don't we call it a day?"

Logan grinned, obviously pleased with the affectionate touch. I let go of Max and buried my hands in my pockets. She was trying to make me jealous. Robyn had to know by now Max wasn't my boyfriend, he was my best friend.

Or maybe she was just a tease. Needless to say, I was in a mood by the time we went back to the beach house. On the way, Robyn and Logan were flirting and touching more than I could stand. It took all of my willpower not to claim her as mine.

Mine? No, she wasn't mine. More of a friend with benefits sort of deal (unfortunately, we hadn't gotten to the real benefits yet. Fuck you, repairman). But she was only mine to touch, not Logan's. And, I had to admit, perhaps I was starting to like her as a person. She was kind, and a caring type of person who could be gentle. But she was also an unpredictable wildflower, someone not influenced by others and so original in personality. I would never, and would never in my later years, meet anyone like her. Robyn Fenty was a valued individual to have in anyone's life.

"Hey, sweetheart, do you mind if I crash tonight? I'm really tired, and I don't feel like going to my hotel." Robyn yawned while seductively looking into his eyes, and slid her hand to his bicep.

I cringed as Logan smirked. "Sure, feel free, babe."

I had never in my life been so frustrated. My nails dug in to my palms as I glared at the wall next to Lo's ear. Max stared at me with a worried expression. Just as he was about to say something to me, Harrison interrupted him.

"Hey guys, there's only two bedrooms here." He said, poking his head from the hallway.

"What? I thought there were four." Max said in surprise. We had been told exactly that by our manager. He must have mixed the beach houses up by accident.

Harrison shrugged in a carefree manner. "So how's it gonna work."

"Robyn and I could get one room, and you kids sleep tight in the other." Logan suggested.

Max shook his head and quickly vetoed the idea. "I don't want to hear your sex noises all night, or, more likely, you begging her for a fuck." He laughed, then added. "Can't the guys take one room and the girls take the other one?"

"Yeah, that sounds better." I said, staring directly at Logan. Instead of giving me an envious glare, he winked. I was caught off guard by this movement, and Robyn had to wave her hand in front of my face.

"Hello? Margot?"

"Huh?" I muttered.

She took my hand as the guys left to for the biggest room. "C'mon, let's go to bed. It's been a long day." I bit my lip to keep from smiling at how domestic Robyn sounded. I liked the feel of her gentle hand against my rough guitarist fingers. She was so warm...

As Robyn led me to the bedroom, I wondered about what this night would hold for us.

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