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The crowd was the loudest when Robyn left the stage, waving and blowing kisses. They yelled incoherent things; good things, I hoped. When she was backstage and out of their sight, she put her hands around my neck and gave me a peck on the lips. I would've kissed her more, but I was too busy smiling. We didn't have to lie anymore.

Logan crossed his arms when I caught his eyes. "Can we talk?" He asked. It wasn't much of a question. It had a bit of an edge to it. Sort of like a threat, except it was a more diplomatic kind of threat.

Raising an eyebrow, I glanced at Robyn. "Sure." I replied, and gave her hand a quick squeeze. "Back in a bit." I whispered and went with Logan into the dressing room.

Once I closed the door, his mouth opened. "Do you realize what you just did?"

"Um, I came out about my relationship?"

"You destroyed the band!"

"We don't know that yet." I reminded him. He was furious. I couldn't believe he wasn't tearing out his hair yet.

Whoops. Too late. His fingers tugged on his roots. Logan was a time bomb just waiting to explode. "Could you have not waited until, I don't know, we released our fucking album? How could you be so selfish? I know you love her, and I'm okay with that, but there are other people in the band that want to succeed in life! This was our dream, Margot. We were all in it together, and you might've just ruined it."

The album was going to be released in three weeks. We'd worked on it ever since we had met Robyn. We would spend hours in the studio until we got tired. The final songs were completed after the first few concerts. It was a dream come true, but now I got worried. What if people wouldn't buy it because of what I've done? Sure, it was 2014, but some people still cared about that. They'd ignore the fact that we were hard-working musicians with grand dreams and inspirations and solely focus on my relationship with Robyn.

"Lo," I said carefully. "I know I should have talked to you guys before I did what I did, and I'm sorry. But let's face it, everyone saw the picture. A lot of people won't mind it, and our band will still be okay."

"We don't know for sure." He grumbled. "It could still be bad. The record company might dump us. Management's going to be hella pissed, I might as well just join-" Logan's eyes widened.

I peered at him curiously. "Join what?"

His lips twitched, pressing together hard. Lo's fists were stuffed into his jacket pockets. He clearly didn't want to tell me a thing.

This only made me even more inquisitive. Maybe a little angry as well. We were friends, and it was almost insulting to know he didn't trust me with this. "What did you mean by join?"

He saw the seriousness in my face and hastily replied, "Iwasofferedtojoinadifferentband."

"Say it slower."

"I. Was. Offered. To-"

"Normal speed, goddamnit!"

The bassist sighed. "I was offered to join a different band."

"Oh." Was all I could muster at the time. I was in shock and this hadn't sunk in yet. "Who's?"

"My brother's best friend's boyfriend is making a band. They seem to have some potential, and they wanted to know if I wanted to join them."

I didn't say a word.

"They're really cool people. They sent me a demo and their stuff's great. I mean, you guys are my best friends, but I thought I should maybe consider this now with all of this stuff blowing up."

"We haven't even gone on tour yet, and you're considering leaving?" I growled, then asked, "When did they ask?"

"When we were on the plane. I got an e-mail."

"Oh." I said again. Boy, I was feeling really intelligent. Fucking Logan. He was an amazing bassist, and he though our band was gonna crash and burn. And he was considering leaving, goddamnit. Leaving.

"Margot?" Logan asked timidly.

I looked back at him. He was scared as fuck, worried I'd go apeshit. "Let's talk about this later, yeah?" I pinched the bridge of my nose. "We've got enough shit to deal with."

"Right." He said, and added, "I'm sorry."

I scanned his face. He did look like he was sorry. Like a kid caught stealing an unauthorized cookie. I felt a bit bad for the way I had treated him, then decided against it. I was never really calm in situations like this, and he really sprung some awful shit in me.

"C'mon. Let's just go. See what Matt's gonna say." I told him gruffly.

Logan nodded, and followed after me.

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