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Matt was right in my face as I opened the door. His eyes were hidden behind his sunglasses, but the crinkles in his face showed he wasn't very happy. It was almost scary. I mean, I'd never been afraid of the guy. I never had to be. Sure, I had done stuff that pissed him off. I was late to the studio, tipsy during an interview (or two), maybe even took off my pants during a radio performance that earned a squeak from the cute host. But all of that got a scolding. It looked like I was in for the mother of all lectures. You'd think that this job would've gotten me away from overbearing adults.

"To my office." He growled through clenched teeth. Matt could've crushed stones between his teeth, I kid you not.

I looked at Robyn and Rydel, who were watching us quietly from down the hall. "Where's Max?" I asked Matt with a nervous crack in my voice.

He didn't reply. Instead, he stalked to the parking lot behind the stadium. Logan and I had no other option but to follow him. I kept wondering about my girlfriend, hoping to the universe she would be okay. And Max. I was hoping the beer-bellied manager hadn't tossed him in a river. Probably not, since the drummer was his favorite. I just hoped that things would be just fine when Harrison came back.

A classy white car awaited him. It was clear from the shiny black limo next to his car that we would be driving separately. Pierre, the limo driver, opened the door for us. I thanked him quietly, as I usually did.

Max was waiting in the limo with his leg bouncing rapidly. He sighed loudly in relief when he saw Logan and I. I noticed the sweat on his hairline, and wondered what he had been through when Lo and I had talked.

"Man, I am so glad you two are here." He rambled. "Matt was ballistic. He actually yelled at me. Me! I'm like, his favorite. And then he even got mad at Rih, like it was all her fault. Like it was planned. Was it planned, Margot? Because if it was, you are so goddamn STUPID AND SELFISH AND A TOTAL ASS-"

"Okay, I get it!" I interrupted him with my hands over my ears. "Logan gave me this talk already, okay? We've got bigger things to worry about."

Logan had his arm crossed, full attention to the window. Fans had their arms out in an attempt to touch the vehicle that was taking us to doom. Fuck.

If it was anything that I hated about fame, it was the fans. I've always hated how obsessed they were. They knew more about our lives then theirs. And they didn't even know much about us to begin with. Matt had us be these happy hotties that loved just about everything when we hit the charts and started to tour with Robyn. It was disgusting. I absolutely was done with the music business.

The only things I really liked was the money, and how the fans reacted to our music. It made me feel accomplished. I was doing this for people, and they loved me for it. I liked them for letting me do all of this, but it wasn't much of a compensation for all the fake stuff that was involved.

Max poked me out of my irrelevant thoughts. "So what are we gonna do, fearless leader?"

"I don't know." I said honestly. "And I'm sorry that I got you guys in this mess. I really didn't mean to. I just thought we could be out happily, and no one would mind at all."

Logan snorted. "Please. Ever heard of Larry Stylinson?"

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, but...Ellen?"

"Ellen's not the lead vocalist of a teenage band, is she?"

"And Harrison." Max added. I cracked a small smile.

"He's feeling twenty-two." I sang.

"Or will soon, anyways." Logan said in this awful valley girl impression.

We all laughed, but sobered up when the limo came to a stop. It was pure business time.


The office was big. That's all I can really say about it. It was full of chairs, and a big desk. There were shelves with books piled up and a dead plant was crumpled up on its pot. A cabinet with a bunch of locks sat stubbornly behind Matt. There were no windows. Two other people, Carrie and Mac, sat on the other side of the desk with Matt. Carrie had the personality of a toilet and Mac...well, all he really was was a sadist who wore purple bow ties.

Logan, Max, and I were sweating at this point. Robyn, who had come in her own limo, sat with us in the uncomfortable plastic chairs. I didn't know what happened with Rydel at that point, but later found out she was flown back with her band and had to sign a contract that stated something like denying Marih and having no affiliation with it at all.


Because show biz, that's fucking why.

"Margot." Carrie purred. I'm not kidding. She purred, for god's sake. I saw Robyn glare at her from the corner of my eye. "You've been a bad girl, haven't you?"

I shrugged. "How would you know if I've never banged you?"

Logan snickered quietly. Carrie's smile dropped.

Matt snapped, "This is not the time for that. Now is time to discuss how you ruined your career within five seconds of stupidity."

"Five seconds of stupidity? Is that what 5SOS stands for?" I remarked, picking at my shirt.

Max hissed at me in desperation. "Margot, please!"

"You won't be laughing when we separate your girlfriend from you, won't you?" Mac threatened.

That shut me up real quick.

He smiled in satisfaction. Matt gave him a subtle congratulatory nudge. Man, I really hated Mac.

"You can't do that." I said quickly, grabbing her hand. "You can't, not at all. That's wrong."

"This is wrong." Matt argued. "You are not supposed to be dating another woman, especially one that is known worldwide. You do what we tell you to, and you get your money and performances."

"Who says?"

"The contract you signed six months ago."

"Fuck the contract." I said weakly. I was losing, badly.

"You will have an interview tomorrow, saying you were kidding. It was just a publicity stunt. You're an attention whore, and you apologize for messing with the fans. You continue with the tour, but will be replaced with someone else after the American leg. I've talked to Jay-Z about this. He agreed. You'll go on your own tour, and will date some pretty boy, oh, I don't know, maybe someone from One Direction. And you won't be seen with Rihanna."

"What?" I spluttered. This was already too much. "No, please. I'll do all that, and more, but let me see her. If you don't I'll come out about all of this. I'll tell everyone what you guys are doing."

"Oh, but you can't." Matt's sick grin was tearing me apart. "Do that, you'll destroy the boys' dream too. You will all be finished."

Arrogant Smirk (A Rihanna Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now