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"So," she said, twirling a lock of my hair around her tattooed finger. "I don't think we've ever had alone time like this before."

"Mmm." I hummed in content. We were in her hotel room, two hours before the private jet flew us to San Francisco, where the next concert would take place. Robyn and I were lying on the California king bed (yes, yes, just like her song. We had laughed at the coincidence awhile before). Our bodies were pointed away from each other, with only our heads in touching proximity. If I had turned my head, the tip of my nose would touch hers.

She sighed peacefully and moved the top of her head to my shoulder. "I wish we could do this more often." Robyn murmured, kissing my neck and jaw.

"Me too, love." I close my eyes. I just wanted to enjoy her touch for a little while.

Then I thought of something. "Hey, Robyn?"


"Robyn, Robyn, Robyn. Fenty. RiRi. Rih. Robs. R. R. F.. Darling. Rihanna. Baby. Robbie."

She groaned in annoyance. "What, MaMa?"

I laughed, and kissed her wonderfully soft cheek. "I have something to tell you." I crooned in an annoyingly lovey-dovey voice that she pretended to hate. Keyword: pretended.

Robyn rolled her eyes. "Couldn't you have done it without giving me a list of everything you call me?"

I grabbed her hand with tender fingers, and brought her wrist to my lips. "I'm so in love with you." My lips moved against her skin. "And I promise to be the best girlfriend I can be for you."

She stiffened under my grasp and did not speak. Frowning, I turned to her, my body propped up by a single elbow. She was looking at the ceiling with so much and so little focus. I couldn't describe it.


The next thing I knew, I was being hit in the chest repeatedly by a pillow. My back hit the mattress with a thump. Robyn straddled my waist, pillow in hand. She gave a final whack in the head, and tossed it aside. I was dizzy.

"It took you that long to say that?" She rolled her beautiful eyes again. Her hands intertwined with mine, slowly pushing them above my head. "Do you realize how long I've been waiting for that, MaMa?" Her seductive mouth breathed into my ear, teeth pulling gently at my earlobe.

"N-no. I wasn't awa-oh, god, Robyn, please don't stop."

"You have no idea what it felt like!"

"I-I think I've got a-an idea now."

Her hips rotated slowly over mine. A moan slipped out of my mouth. God, the things she did to me. I was wet with anticipation. And hurting a little.

"Fuck you." She whispered lovingly in my ear. Her hips pushed against mine. I moaned loudly. "Fuck you, Margot Malone."

"Well, why don't you?" I suggested weakly.

Robyn laughed and sat on my thighs, pulling me to sit up. "I love you so much, Margot." She said, holding me tightly against her. "I really do."

I hugged her in return. I really was in love with her, and I was so glad that she felt the same way. Every word she uttered was something that needed to be adored. She made me feel at peace and at war at the same time. There was something about her that made me feel more like myself.

"What if I don't believe you?" I teased, once she let me go.

"You will soon."

Arrogant Smirk (A Rihanna Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now