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Cameras. Photographs. Videos. Evidence of every facial twitch I made. People can see it again and again, whenever they feel like it. The access to it was at their fingertips. Behind those cameras, are the nosy and clever. There are some who will pay much, very much for a photo of a celebrity. I remember cutting out pictures out of magazines and taping them to my wall, so I could gaze upon whichever celebrity I wished to. Magazines like giving you news that hasn't been already given. Same as TV shows.

Ever since I've arrived with the boys, a few cameras have been pointed at my face and theirs. Fans asked for pictures with us. Evidence, that they met famous people whose names are more important than current events. It almost makes me sick.

The interviewer is a curvy woman in her late twenties, with flawless skin and streaks of honey in dark hair. She smiled widely when she saw us enter. The audience clapped loudly, and some fans screamed. Robyn was already sitting near the interviewer, and grinned at us.

We made our way on a couch. I sat in the end to Robyn's right. Logan sat on her other side, and Harrison on his side with Max on the end.

"Hello, Arrogant Smirk! It's wonderful to meet you guys in person." She gushed.

"Great to meet you too, Amanda." Harrison said in a friendly manner. He surprised me every time when he worked up the courage to talk to people. Fame had changed him just a bit.

Max and I greeted her in a similar manner, our voices mushed together.

"It's great to be here." Logan flashed a dazzling smile her way, to which she hardly paid any notice. I found it strange, but didn't change my expression. The cameras were everywhere.

Honestly, not many girls turn down Logan. Even the ones not into Asian guys love him. He's a naturally charming fellow. I only don't like him in that sort of way because I know him too well. Besides, I had Robyn.

"I'm kind of a fan. I just ADORE Take Me!!! Sorry, is this too much?" She rambled. A small wave of laughter shook the crowd. I looked at the ground near her thighs. There was gum on the floor, where the audience couldn't see it.

"Nah, it's okay." Harrison said awkwardly. He tugged uncomfortably at his collar.

"So, Arrogant Smirk, how did you get the name for your band?"

"Well, it's actually kind of a funny story." Max stifled a laugh and motioned for Logan to share the story.

He blushed slightly. "I once dated a girl who was a bit of a, well, she dated a lot of guys. And she had this trademark smirk. The girl broke up with me by text message and egging my bedroom window. When I confronted her, she smirked arrogantly and left." The audience chuckled. "I was explaining this to the band during one of our meetings when we couldn't come up with a name. Margot mindlessly said, 'Arrogant Smirk? That'd be a great name for our band'. We all liked it, so we stuck with it."

The interviewer laughed softly and turned to me. "So you came up with the name."

"Yeah. Well, I probably wouldn't have thought it up without Logan's breakup story. He contributed a bit." I told her with a fake smile.

"How long have you all been in the band?"

"Three years." Harrison answered. "We just got more serious about it in the past year or so once we started getting gigs."

Amanda cleared her throat and smiled for the camera. "How it being on tour with Rihanna?"

"Oh it's great, really." I replied and nudged her gently with my elbow. "The boys and I get along with her great."

"They're both practically best friends. They talk a lot." Logan added with a grin. I rolled my eyes.

"Would you say Margot is your favorite band member?" Amanda asked Robyn.

Robyn smiled and shook her head. "I can't choose, it'd be a bit unfair for the others. I love them all." The audience awed at her answer. I mentally did an eye roll. Amanda smiled and continued.

"In recent media, there have been talks about 'Marih'. Meaning the pairing of Margot and Rihanna. What do you have to say about that?"

"I ship it." Harrison raised his hand.

"Same, bro." Max grinned. We all laughed at them.

"Well, I don't know." I said once everyone stopped laughing. "Ever since the performance of Stay, people have been talking about it. Apparently, there's 'chemistry' and all that. But we're really just friends and we're going to stay that way."

"Rihanna?" Amanda asked.

"Margot said it all. We're close, but there isn't anything romantic going on between us." She answered and laid a hand on my knee. "But we're still really affectionate towards each other."

The interviewer frowned for a quick second. There was nothing juicy about us, really. We were boring her. But just then, her eyes lit up like fireworks.

Dangerous fireworks.

"Why did Margot sing in the duet instead of Harrison, or Logan, or Max?"

Shit. I saw the corner of Robyn's mouth twitch. My hand itched to comfort her, but my mind remembered the cameras. So I sat still.

"The boys were doing backup vocals." Robyn answered carefully. "Yes, I could have asked one of them to perform, but, uh-"

"I didn't know the guitar part." I interrupted smoothly. "So we figured that it would be simpler to just have me be the vocalist instead of looking lame in the back."

Ha. She really had nothing to eat up. I mean, she could've said, "Oh, you're bisexual so you MUST have a thing for Rihanna." Of course I did, but not because I was bisexual. Because I knew who she was. And I was still getting to know the kind of person she was.

The interviewer asked more bullshit questions, and we were done.


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