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The performance was talked about a lot more than it should've. Jesus. You would've thought that we had pulled a Robin Thicke/Miley Cyrus. Some people were criticizing, but most were congratulatory and praising. I went on my twitter, and was tagged in many tweets, such as:

@margotmalone @rihanna @arrogantsmirk Went to the concert last night, definitely shipping Marih xxx

@rihanna @margotmalone Stay was way better with Margot than with Mikky Ekko. So much more intimate!!! #otp

@margotmalone When are you gonna get that cake lololol

@arrogantsmirk @rihanna ...whut

@arrogantsmirk You guys were beautiful!!! Especially Stay omg like when @margotmalone sang w/@rihanna...hot!!!

Are @rihanna and @margotmalone like, a thing now? Cuz I can totally see that happening.

Stuff like that. Half of the tweets regarding the concert last night were of the new OTP, "Marih". It made me a bit uncomfortable. They saw the chemistry between Robyn and I. It was probably just an innocent joke, but the media training the boys and I had received made me wary.

I called Robyn as soon as I willed myself to quit reading the tweets. They were interesting, but stirred anxiety in my stomach. She answered on the fourth ring.

"Let me guess. You saw the 'Marih' stuff."

"Yeah. On twitter."

She let out a tiny giggle. "It's everywhere. Instagram, Facebook, tumblr. We've inspired people to write articles about us. Even a few fanfics."


"We have an interview on Monday. They're probably going to ask."

Monday. Two days away. I remembered Matt giving us the call about it only a few hours before. He wanted us to have some more publicity so the pop star would be there to give our image and fanbase a boost.

"Yeah, I know. What are we going to say?"

"Jay asked me if it was true before telling me something."

I gulped, and my fingers tightened their grip on the phone. Even Matt hadn't asked me about the Marih stuff. "What'd you say?"

"I said it could be."

I sat up quickly. "What?! Why?"

"Because he knew. I could tell. Everyone saw the chemistry, MaMa." Her new nickname for me. I found it endearing, somewhere in my hammering heart. "There was no point in denying it."

Sighing, I asked, "Okay, did he say anything else?"

"He said if it was true, it might be better to keep quiet about it. He didn't want it to ruin your career."

"Oh. Yeah, it would be nice to stay in the music industry."

"Don't worry, okay?" she soothed. "It'll be fine. This kind of stuff happens all the time. When you guys get more publicity and if you want to, we could come out about it."

"Um." I said.

"I'm not pressuring you. Really."


"I know that you don't want to. It's fine."



I gulped. "Nothing."

"You sure?" She said questioningly.

I hesitated. I wanted to tell her I was starting to fall for her. That she was so beautiful and I wanted to make her mine. I wanted to give up everything just for all of her. I wanted to say, that maybe, just maybe, I was starting to love her. But these words got caught in my throat, and I just couldn't seem to get them out.

"I really like you." I finally choked out.

There was silence on the other end of the line. I bit my lip in anticipation.

"Really?" Robyn asked hopefully, a sprinkle of doubt evident in her lovely voice.

"Really." I assured her. "I really, really do. And I apologize for being such an asshole about it, but I'm being completely honest when I tell you that I want you to take me."

"Make me yours." Robyn recited the next line. There was a smile in her voice.

"It might be short-lived, but let's waste the moonlight." I added weakly.

I mentally cursed myself for not being smooth. It was my own damn song. But she laughed at my awkwardness. I chuckled back, relieved that she didn't find me to be a total idiot. I was lucky she liked me.

"Do you know where my hotel is?" she asked.


"Come visit me. Oh, and make sure you tell the guys you'll be out. You might be gone awhile."

Arrogant Smirk (A Rihanna Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now