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As Robyn had promised, the fair was empty, save for the employees. Being small-town kids, this was something very special for us. Like we had a really cool toy or something.

The band stood in awe at the fair. There were games, food stands, and various rides. The roller coasters sped and looped, the boat swung at different heights, and the Ferris wheel stood tall, with a menacing glint shimmering from one of the carts. I gulped looking at it. Just the sight of it made me queasy.

"Bet I can shoot better than you can!" Max shouted at Logan, and the two boys raced off to the game.

Harrison nudged me. He and Robyn were already walking in the opposite direction. "Do you wanna come with me and Robyn to the roller coasters?"

"Sure." I said hesitantly. Just as I was about to pay the acne-faced guy managing the ride, Robyn stopped me.

"It's already paid for. Don't worry about it, hon." She said and held my hand. I pursed my lips and prayed my face was still at its natural skin tone.

Harrison jumped on the front seat. "C'mon ladies, we don't have all day!" He yelled.

Robyn pulled me into the seat behind him with her.

"Buckle up." The guy instructed, and after checking our buckled seat belts, pushed the button. We slowly went up, then rode downwards quickly as sudden jerks and loops took our speed away. Harrison was screaming like a banshee, and Robyn laughed like a child in my ear. She was still holding my hand, squeezing it every now and then.

"Wow!" Harrison exclaimed when it was over. He looked dizzy, still on his high from all the fun. "That sure was something, all right."

We met up with Max and Logan again and went on the swinging boat, won prizes at the booths, and ate a bunch of junk food. I excused myself for a smoke in front of the Ferris wheel once I was finished.

I sat on the bench for a long time. I heard thrilled screams in the distance, and figured they were all on the roller coaster.

"I didn't know you smoked." Someone stated suddenly.

I jumped and lifted my arms in defense. It was only when I realized it was Robyn that I put my arms down. "Well, I do. Not often. The most I have is one, maybe two, a day. I don't let myself get addicted to it."

She nodded, impressed. "Wow."

I tossed the cigarette in a nearby ashtray. It wasn't even finished. "Do you smoke?"

"I used to smoke weed. Not much anymore." Robyn told me, joining me on the bench. "It's not very healthy. In large amounts, anyways."

"Yeah, I guess it really isn't."

"You know what?"


"We should go on the Ferris wheel." She grinned. "Get a better look at the sunset."

I raised my eyebrow. "Are you into that cheesy stuff?"

"Hey, ladies!" Harrison yelled from the distance, waving his arms wildly. Max and Logan were with him eating cotton candy. "You wanna ride that bitch or what?" He pointed at the Ferris wheel. I shuddered.

"I'm good." I yelled back.

Robyn pouted. "C'mon, do you not like fun or what?"

"I just, well, sort of-"

"Don't be such a weenie, Margot!" Logan shouted. They were now just a few yards away. "It's just a bit high, that's all."

Robyn gasped in realization. "You're afraid of heights?!"

I sighed, as she giggled. "I'm not proud of it, but yeah, I am."

"Aw, don't worry baby, I'll ride with you." She grabbed my hand and led me to the death trap. I gulped and looked at it. It was extremely tall. What if we fell? I was not interested in becoming a human pancake.

Robyn led me on one of the carts and sat extremely close to me. And I definitely knew it wasn't because of a space issue, as there was enough space for about four people. My heart was pounding so fast I was surprised no one could hear it. Heights, and a gorgeous woman by my side? I was going to die of a heart attack. It was simply overwhelming.

The Ferris wheel started to escalate. Subconsciously, I squeezed Robyn's hand. She smiled at me in response and rubbed my thigh with her free hand.

"I've got you, don't be afraid." She whispered in my ear and put her head on my shaking shoulder.

A few seconds later, we reached the highest point. Surprisingly, I was fine. Robyn's presence seemed to both calm and excite me at the same time.

It all ended with a sudden jerk of the cart.

I heard a bunch of swearing from the ground, and looked in that direction. The boys were complaining about something that had broke. The employee guy was kicking the controls and holding what looked like a phone to his ear. Then I noticed how far we were from the ground. They all looked like ants.

"It broke, it broke, it broke." I murmured repeatedly. "The ride broke."

Robyn stroked my hair, attempting to comfort me. "They'll fix it," she tried. "don't worry."

"We're going to die! This is it. I will never perform on Arrogant Smirk's first concert, I will never make a successful house of cards, I will never go online shopping again-"

"Would you calm down?!" Robyn chastised. "It'll be okay. We're gonna get down eventually."

"When the hell is eventually?!"

"Hush." She whispered and hugged me tightly, her front to my back. I clung to her in fear of falling. "Baby, please calm down." Robyn kissed my cheek. My face burned. There was something in her lips that automatically made me feel a hundred degrees hotter. Temperature-wise.

"Okay." I croaked. She started kissing my face, my shoulder, the back of my neck. It was driving me crazy.

It was then when I turned towards her, pulled her on my lap, and kissed her.

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