The Birth Of My Son?

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Tragically, 11th grade was pretty much the same as the 10th. Uneventful. Except with a different person. *winces*

I swear I'm not a hoe.

So, this story begins probably around the second semester, about December or January at the earliest. Yeah, up until halfway or more through the school year I had nothing going on.

The guy this involves, Ocelot, is someone I rarely talked to before this year. We had conversed only a few times even though we'd had some classes together the previous years.

One of the most memorable conversations took place when we were both waiting a long time to get pick up after school. I was standing off alone when he just came over and kept me company. He told me his ride wasn't supposed to show up for a long time and he would wait with me. My mom was later than she said she would be and we just talked about little bits of everything. I rambled on about different topics, as did he, until my mom arrived. It was a nice thing to do on his part.

Other than that, we didn't talk much. But, I've always thought highly of him just from having class together. He has a great sense of humor and he's easily one of the smartest kids, even if he doesn't do his work half the time.

At some point during the year, he started talking to me more. I don't know why. He just talked and maybe flirted a little bit. To me it didn't seem like it. But to my friends, it was apparently obvious. They started teasing me about it and jumping in on the fun.

Honestly, I don't remember much of it at all because I thought he was just being friendly. He hugged me a few times but he's a little bit of a touch-y feel-y guy. I was able to tell that because he always hugs his other friends that are girls; I didn't think anything of it either. Ocelot is just a really nice and playful guy.

I think it was one of these times when he was joking around with me and my friends jumped in, that OJ was born.

I don't even remember what was being said, but somehow having a kid with him was brought up and for some reason this guy joined in with the joke my friends were making. (If my friends remember the details and remind me, I'll update this section later.)

He named the kid Ocelot Junior; OJ for short. I joaned on Ocelot for coming up with such a terrible name, because there would be a misunderstanding of the initials standing for Orange Juice.

After this initial joke, I did not claim the kid (I just felt awkward and weird about it, IDK). One of my friends claimed to be the "aunt" and was watching over OJ while "Ocelot and I worked things out". Because for some reason, he and I had a "relationship" and I wasn't coming back home. I was supposed to be out and being wild. Apparently, he was a bad husband/partner (didn't treat me right or whatever) and I wanted freedom from him.

This joke, that my friends made, played on for a while. Sometimes OJ is still brought back up.

There was also this really awkward moment in my AP Chemistry class when my teacher was passing back out a test or quiz. The class was pretty hard, and like other teachers with a hard class, they always say who made the top score. For this particular quiz it was me, surprisingly.

A second after she announced that to the class, he loudly spoke up "THAT'S MY BABY."

I was shook, my peers were shook, the teacher was shook.

The kids laughed it off, of course, and the teacher had the usual wide-eyed look of hers when a kid said something weird. I lightly laughed it off, but I knew my face was tomato red with embarrassment.

The whole year, I denied what my friends said about him liking me. It honestly didn't make sense to me whatsoever. I thought there was one girl he HAD to like. They had been talking for a long time, at least since early sophomore year, and he was always around her. They sat together, talked and joke around a lot, hugged a lot, he walked her to the bus, and during a three day field trip something happened to make people come back gossiping about them. Apparently he had lain down in a hotel bed with her or something, I don't know, I was out of the loop with his group of friends. He also had a phone case with a clear back where he inserted a cute little graphic she made for him, which even said "Elk loves you!".

So, to me, it was obvious he didn't like me. I'm still pretty sure to this day he never did. He was just cordial.

But gradually—I'm cringing so hard right now—I began to sorta kinda maybe like him. Small crush.

His personality was and is fucking fantastic. Ocelot is honestly one of the nicest guys in my year and my school's advanced program.  . . . He is good looking too, not going to lie. Fit, good smile, and dark hair. (BOI, do I love dark hair. Like seriously, most guys with dark hair I find attractive. I don't know why, because most people with dark hair also seem to have dark eyes, which contradicts my subconscious. It's scientifically proven that people with blue eyes are more attracted to others with blue eyes in order to preserve their recessive genes by instinct. So, basically, this is further proof that I'm fucked up lolololol.) He's also intelligent. Brilliant. I find intelligence really freaking attractive.

During some point of when I was first starting to have a wee bit of a crush on him, I had this mind blowing moment:

We had a test in class and this particular teacher liked to only have two students at each table during testing (she had long tables where she usually had 3-4 students sit). It was a small class, so we could easily all spread out. The students had to sit opposite of each other on the short sides of the tables, like you're sitting at the head of a dinner table. No one at my table was present that day so I stayed where I was and he came to sit at the other end because he got kicked out from his group.

We started to test and halfway through I randomly looked up from my paper to get a break from thinking. My gaze met Ocelot's.

His eyes were intense. His head was still tilted down slightly so he was "peering up through his lashes", and he had the end of his pencil at the corner of his mouth with his lips slightly parted. That image pierced my soul (over dramatic, I know). I had never seen someone look so good while . . . taking a test?

He wasn't really looking at me, though. He was looking right through me in concentration, so he quickly looked back down and so did I.

Saying I was shook is the understatement of the century. Fucking beautiful.

For the remainder of the year, nothing really happened. Just these little tidbits of teasing and "flirting". No progression of anything. Like I said, I was pretty convinced he liked Elk.

However, my dear chicas and chicos, things changed when 12th grade rolled around.

A/N: thank you for all the reads and votes so far, and also thanks to those who added this book to a reading list! i did not expect to get a response like this. none of my other books have ever had this much audience interaction (but they're really stupid so i understand why, lol). tbh, it freaked me out at first. i was sitting in the middle of ap bio going "ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod. people are actually reading this trash! i've exposed myself to the internet. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!". the magnitude of actually posting my thoughts and feeling on the web never actually occurred to me. but, yeah, i appreciate all the nice and funny comments, too. YoU GuYs RoCK!!!!!

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