2018 is My Bitch and the Year of the Hoe

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Senior year. Dun, dun, DUUUUUUNNNNNNNN. We're in the present hoesssss.

Well, I'm writing this halfway through senior year, in February, but whateva.

The start of this year was pretty much the same as the 11th grade. Same guy (fun fact: I'm writing this on his birthday, teehee . . . hee [ew, i should just jump off a cliff now]). We talked about the same, or maybe even less. Well, it was the same, then at some point it kinda stopped.

This year, I thought he kind of liked two people. I'm still not sure because I've never asked him and never heard anyone else talk about it.

The first girl he might just be really good friends with. I mean, I know they are. #Squad and all that, but he just treats her in such a sweet way it seems like he really likes her.

The second girl, well, they ALWAYS talk. Maybe they're just good friends but I don't know. I've overheard someone say they that thought they were going to date soon, but yo, I have no idea. As far as I know, she has a boyfriend. I follow her on Snapchat and saw her being cute with some dude.

Oh, and about that girl Elk from last year that I thought he reallyyyyyy liked, she has a boyfriend this year. BUT OMG GUESS WHO IT IS. GUESS. This made die of laughter but also had me shook . . . it's Hermit Crab. Yep, his present girlfriend that I was talking about at the end of Chapter One is her. I feel semi bad for her. (Semi, because I think he has improved a lot but he's still a trash human.)

Anyway, Ocelot has me really confused. Like, he was heavily messing with me early on this year and then stopped.

And it was like the cute stuff, ya know? Stealing my phone and shit when he walked by (the un-cute part about that being he had me totally flustered and embarrassed when he just held it on his crotch and told me to get it back if I wanted to). Then, trying to fake fight me and being over dramatic when I lightly punched him. He also continued along with my friends' jokes about me and him being together from last year.

One super cute instance that made my heart flutter happened at the end of class one day. It was literally a movie moment. It was time to go and I was walking over to standing with my friends while waiting for them to pack up. He was leaving the classroom and said to me, "Have a good weekend, Alpaca!"

I looked over at him with a smile and waved.

"What? You're not going to say it back?" he said, while walking backwards towards the door.

I gave him a wry smile while I took my hair down from it's bun and finger combed it (purely because it was annoying me, pinky promise). "Bye, Ocelot."

He stared at me, blinking, and took a few steps back before running into the wall beside the door and knocking over the trashcan that was right there, too.

He got the cutest, most surprised look on his face. His mouth formed this little 'o'. He quickly righted the trashcan, while my friends and I were all giggling, and ran out the door. When he was gone, my friends all freaked out and so did I. I never really had freaked out over something he did before, but that was something that only happens in the movies and it. was. so. cute.

Then for some reason, all of that died off. We just started to casually conversate every now and then. Rarely.

But, my senior year drastically changed when I started driving in November of 2017. I know, right? Shocker. I actually became a typical teenager.

At first, I wasn't that bad. I'm a good kid as I have emphasized before. But, yeah, I slowly got worse--though I didn't do anything too bad. Like, I hung out with my friends after school (at their house, just chilling) when I said I had a club meeting. Or, one time we skipped half of first period when we had a sub to get frappe's and chat, but we came back to school.

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