X&O's Goodbye (JK, only hugs)

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Because I'm so freaking lazy, here are screenshots from a conversation with My Wife for the first half of this chapter.

Context: Last day of school for seniors. Friday, May 18th, 2018. I was in the student parking lot with Nilgai to leave for our internships. (Well I wasn't going to mine but I was taking Nilgai to hers.)

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So that was the "official" last day for me

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So that was the "official" last day for me. Ocelot, on the other hand, had to come back the actual last week for a few days because of his terrible attendance record. :P

I decided that the following Monday I was going to go to my first period because I was at the cusp for too many absences (lol, I skipped that class a few times and woke up too late a few times. don't follow my example, kids).

I got there right on time for class. At my group of desks where I usually sat, I was alone. Ocelot sat with a group of his friends. The teacher started a movie (it was actually pretty good) and we were pretty much silent the entire time. Iguana came in halfway through class and sat with me (I gave her the photo album and she cried lololololololololololol. *smirk*)

The class ended and I walked with Ocelot and a mutual friend of ours--Scorpion, who mistakenly woke up early and got on the bus out of habit. I asked them what they would like for lunch because I felt bad that they were stuck at school all day. Hardly anyone was present and the rest of their group wasn't attending any other classes. Ocelot suggested for me to just bring them food from where I work. I was surprised, because that one time back in November when we tried the food opening day I thought he hadn't liked he.

"I was the only one who ate it!" he said in reply to that. Which was true.

The boys told me to surprise them with something random on the menu and we parted ways when I saw my friend Meadowlark.

She and I hadn't really seen each other much this school year. *tears for days* So we made plans to get coffee at Dunkin' Donuts. We popped over there for an hour and a half, and just had a wonderful time catching up and talking about college plans. (I love youuu, M.)

After that I went and got the food, then headed to school and arrived five minutes late to lunch. I walked in the library where we usually eat and sat down to eat with the boys, Sparrow, and Sparrow's boyfriend. Ocelot and Scorpion gave me a quick hugs to thank me. After we ate, we just goofed off before heading back to class.

I decided to just hang out the rest of the day. I sat with Ocelot and Scorpion initially, talking with them a little bit. Some how the Eiffel tower came up in our conversation, and Ocelot and I made jokes about climbing it next even though it's 9x taller than the other brick one. In front of Scorpion.

That had me a bit shook, but I don't think Scorpion even knew what we were talking about.

They decided to watch a movie and asked me what I would like to see, but I declined their offer to go work on a puzzle my teacher had. I don't know, man, that would just be awkward to me. Plus, I really wasn't interested in what they were wanting to watch and didn't want to change it even though they gave me that option.

During the latter half of that period, we were all recruited to go help our program director retrieve the program-supplied book bags from the sophomores. Ocelot and I talked a little bit, then he was a jerk and tried to kick the back of my knees to make me fall. Freaking childish. Smh.

During the last period, Ocelot and Scorpion continued their movie. Sparrow and her boyfriend talked, being all cute-sy and stuff.

And I . . . I got a messaged from a kid asking me to go see a movie with him. I freaked the frack out. In a bad way. I did not want to go with him but I didn't want to be mean. I was going to tell him I was busy, but Sparrow gave me a helpful lecture on not leading him on and wrote a rejection message out for me.

Get you a friend that can turn down creeps for you.

That's some good life advice right there.

. . . I read a book the rest of the period.

The announcements came on for dismissal. Ocelot and I gave each other one last lingering hug. Not as long as the former, but long enough. He pulled away first this time.

"We'll do something this summer." he said.

I nodded, "We will."

He left the classroom and that was that. That was my last day of high school.

Kind of lame or whatever. Am I right?

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