Imma Country Gurl

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I live out in the middle of nowhere and have grown up in a small town. But, I don't have an accent, nor do I go huntin' whenever game season opens up.

Though, my family does have a "farm". We actually don't have animals or grow enough of anything to make it a living, just enough to eat what we like and give a lot to friends. The farm used to be "Grand-daddy's", but when he passed away we just started calling the land he lived on the "farm". Out there, we do have a shop to work in and farm equipment to take care of the land as well as do other things.

One of these items includes a truck, which used to be my grandfather's, but we use it to move things and whatever when needed.

A few weeks ago, at the end of February, my dad had been walking through a thrift store and saw a broken treadmill. The motor was still good, though, and he knew that it could be used for different projects such as creating a wind turbine. He thought it would be a great project for some kids in my program, so he called up the director and asked him if he wanted it. He said sure, so then my dad asked the owner of the shop if they would donate it and they said sure. The director said he would arrange for someone with a truck to pick it up.

Upon hearing this, I asked my dad if I could pick it up and bring it to them with our truck out at the farm. He agreed to this, surprisingly.

I talked to the director and arranged it so that I could bring the treadmill to school the following Monday.

The Saturday beforehand, my dad and I went to go get the truck. But, the truck wouldn't start. We don't use it very much, so the battery goes dead if it sits for a long period of time and no one disconnects it. We charged it for a while, picked up the treadmill, and brought it back to the farm.

My dad said with the charge we gave it, it should be fine until Monday, but just in case it didn't stay, he suggested that between going to my first school and going to the second that I switch vehicles since the farm was on the way. If it wasn't charged, I could quick charge it for 20-30 minutes and it should be fine. That way, I wouldn't have to worry about it not starting at home Monday morning or after my first period.

I informed the director of this problem. I told him that if it worked, I would be at school right at the time class started or later. Then, of course, if it didn't work then I would be at least 20 minutes late. I also gave him the option of doing this all after school. But, he said to go ahead and do it in the morning, which I was slightly shook about because he never addressed the problem of me being tardy to class (though he did work that out behind the scenes).

That Monday I drove to school in my car. I was quite nervous about the truck not starting and having to be at the farm by myself for a while. I didn't mind being out there, but I hadn't honestly ever been there by myself completely alone. My dad is usually out there with me. Or, my uncle is there because he lives in the old farm house. This time both of them would be at work.

Also, I thought this would be good opportunity for Ocelot to be out there.

So, I sat down in my usual spot next to him in first period and asked him about it.

He thought about it for a moment before replying, "Sure, but if I get a tardy I'm killing you."

I told him I would talk to the director about it if he did, and tell him that I had needed Ocelot to help me or something. He just threatened me about it again in a teasing manner.

First period came to an end and I made sure that he still wanted to do it, because I would honestly feel bad if he did get a tardy for my pathetic sake. But, he still said it was fine.

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