The Poor Souls I've Rejected

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I mentioned a good many chapters ago that there were two guys I rejected. Here we go . . .

Badger is the first one. He was interested in me during the 9th grade.

I was honestly so caught off guard by this. I remember he was talking to me about something and I wasn't picking up on what he was trying to say at all. I was confused and thought he was making a joke, but he just kept repeating what he was saying as we were walking between classes.

We were about to split up so he just spit it out, "What I'm trying to say is, will you go on a date with me?"


"A date, Alpaca."

"You're serious?" That came out of nowhere.

He started to look upset. "Yes!"

"I . . . I . . . I . . ." I just stared at him blinking.

"You know, what? Never mind. Just give me an answer tomorrow."


He turned away from me and briskly walked off to his next class.

What the hell just happened?

I panicked and ran to my class. I told Toucan and Iguana. They were just as shocked as I was, but laughed and teased me about it. I was stressing out the whole day and the next because I knew I was going to say no.

Maybe there had been some signs that he liked me, but I was just oblivious. At the time, I was blinded by my infatuation of Hermit.

The two of them would always get into stupid arguments at lunch. I always sided with Hermit (most of the time for legit reasons, though).

And, honestly, Badger annoyed me. We would talking sometimes, but he was stilling annoying in the classes we shared. Not to me. He annoyed the whole class.

That sounds really mean, but it's true. It's mainly because he's pessimistic. EXTREMELY pessimistic. But, he's not as bad nowadays of course. He handles it better.

I didn't see him until two days after he initially asked me out. He approached me when class was almost over and we were cleaning up a science lab.

"So? Do you have an answer?" he Badger-ed.

"Yeah," I replied, not quite looking him in the eyes. "I'm sorry but--"

That's literally all I got to say.

"I get it." he said shaking his head and then he walked away from me.

He looked upset and hurt.

I felt so awful, but at the same time angered. He got frustrated with me but wouldn't even let me tell him why. I was going to say him that my parents wouldn't allow it, which is true, and also tell him that I just didn't see him that way.

For the majority of the rest of the year, he avoided me like the plague. In 10th grade we got back on speaking terms and after that we've been cool. We still talk and he's one of the people in that big group project with Sloth and I.


The thing with the other guy happened more recently, exactly a month ago.

During winter break, Coati, a person in my close circle of friends that had recently moved, was coming back into town to celebrate her birthday. The people there were obviously those in our friend group, and then about 6 or 7 people that she was also friends with. One of the people she also had as a friend was someone I knew from middle school, Tortoise.

I hadn't spoken to him in at least three years. In middle school, we probably only talked once or twice.

During Coati's birthday celebration I didn't really talk to him either. That is, until people were starting to have to leave and I suggested that the remainder of us go get ice cream. The first time I spoke to him that night besides saying "Hey" was to ask him if he wanted to go. He told me he wasn't going.

So, we drove over to ice cream shop and Tortoise was already there surprisingly. I was being friendly and excited towards him (lol, my awkward attempt at a bubbly personality) when we arrived, because he was seemingly the quiet type and I was trying to reach out.

I know, weird, the introvert trying to reach out to another introvert.

We ate our ice cream and I forget how a conversation arose, but he and I just started talking. We didn't talk about anything personal or deep, just about our mutual friends from middle school and high school in general.

Anyway, eventually we all left and I gave him a polite good-bye. That night Coati messaged me asking if it was okay if she gave Tortoise my number because "he enjoyed talking with me".

I told her to give him my social media because I can't text. (My parents don't allow me to and my phone plan charges for it. #oldskool)

Maybe 30 minutes to an hour later I get a message from him over Snapchat: "Hey"


We talked a little bit, just real casual conversation: How are you, wyd, etc.

But, then he starts coming onto me. Hard.

He asked me if I was free Thursday because he wanted to go to the movies with me. I told him I didn't know. Also, that Coati was staying in town for the week and I wanted her to come over because she's one of my best friends and I rarely get to see her. To that he replied to just bring her, too. We could grab dinner together.

But he added that he really wished it would be just me and him.

Oh, Lord.

That week I ended up getting a really bad type of food poisoning. Not that 24 shit, that week long shit.

I explained this to him as well as just hoping to get better enough for Coati. He was still persistent.

When Thursday rolled around, I was firm in saying "no". I mean, come on, I had just gotten sick and puked up my guts again.

He gave up on his plan but then asked me about prom.

I told him I wasn't going because my parents didn't allowed it and told him why.

He then asked me about dating in general.

I said they don't really allow that either, especially during high school. They would probably prefer me to not date until after I had some college out of the way.

Here's what he replied, "So basically if someone was interested they would have to wait for you until after college . . ."

"Yep." Not necessarily that extreme, but I was tired of him asking me those types of questions.

After that, for some reason, he stopped talking to me and messaging me all together.



*hates on myself*

I felt kinda bad about it, but he honestly freaked me out. I had not spoken to this kid in years, we didn't talk about anything deep, and we weren't close before. Basically, I DIDN'T KNOW HIM.

I would find it uncomfortable if anyone did this after just talking to me for 10 minutes over some ice cream.

He was just too forward too soon. He wasn't slick. There was no transition between "What's up?" and "Wanna go out on a date?".

I know some people can just go out, meet someone randomly, and set up a date. They really just hit it off. But, that's not me.

The thing that went wrong with both of these guys is that they caught me off guard. Both of them made me feel awkward and uncomfortable. If they hadn't done that, maybe I wouldn't have said no (probably still would have, to be frank, because I didn't see either of them as anything more than friends). 

Anyway, these were the only two males that have had any interest in me. And both situations were disasters, ha ha ha . . . 

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