A Cliffhanger?

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(Well it ended over a month ago, but my updates are just superrrrr slooooooow. Sorrrryyyyyy.)

Has there been anymore progress with Ocelot for this chapter? No. But please keep reading.

I suppose that the story of my high school love life has ended, since, like, I finished high school (yeehaw bitches), and next I'll be able to tell about my college experiences. I think for that I want to do a separate book. A TSFMTLL2!

Bruh, that acronym is ugly.

So, what's going to happen is this: I'm going to mark this book as completed.

WAIT. Keep it in your library, or archive it or something.

If anything happens during the summer, I'm going to add it to this book as a sort of bonus chapter. So, stay tuned until at least September. I'll also notify here when I put the next book up, so in that case archiving it might be good (archiving saves it online and lets you know when there's an update, right?).

As for TSFMTLL2, that book won't be up for a good while (I think). Things gotta happen and take place first. Who knows? My love life might be even more nonexistent than before.

As a conclusion to this book, I'm just going to give an overview of what I've learned . . .

Boys. Ain't. Shit.

They're really more trouble than they're worth, at least during high school. Yeah, they're fun, but when it comes down to it, boys-- and girls--are immature and there's just not a whole lot of character(?). We're all growing and still kids. We're selfish. (Though this isn't true for everyone. And, I'm not saying to never date. Go out, meet people, and have fun. I guess what I'm trying to say is that there's a lot of drama surrounding the relationships in high school, and personally I'm not one for drama.)

But my sincere and honest advice is to take your time--and don't waste it. We live in a time where instant gratification is everything (and so is blasting our "happy" lives all over the internet). We move too fast and don't build a real connection with people. WE WANT A MANS AND WE WANT HIM NOW. However, in the end that's only going to get you heartbreak.

Surround yourself with good friends that encourage you to do what's right and care about you. Sure, the K00l Kids always seem like they're having fun partying and smoking and drinking and being wild, but are they really? Maybe in that moment, but if you really listen to them . . . there's no substance, no deep connection. They care about attention and looking fun. I'm not saying to never go party or whatever, do you boo, but be safe and don't get caught up in the facade.

That's a bit of a tangent since I didn't personally experience that half . . . but I had amazing friends that would have said, "Alpaca, what the fuck are you doing? Get yo head straight." if I had tried to do something stupid that would ruin my life or hurt me emotionally (i.e. drinking and driving, having reckless sexual relationships, walking into the middle of some macho guys duking it out, etc).

Though . . . they never told me not to climb up a super tall tower or not to explore an abandoned asylum . . . .

But I'm going to be hypocritical and justify that as me crazy and loving adrenaline rushes.

What fickle creatures we are!

My main mistake in Freshman year was to put my heart out on the line. I didn't really know what a fuckboy was lmao. It had never occurred to me that a boy who was seemingly interested in me could also be so selfish (stupid, perfect, misleading love stories in novels). Girl, or guy, if someone is wearing you down, you need to cut them off. That's going to be easier said than done if you really care about them, but it's better for you in the end. You got much greater opportunities and things ahead of you.

Maybe I also should've taken the hint that if nothing has happened after a full year of flirtation then nothing will happen.

Sophomore year and Junior year . . . boi idek. That was me being weird and awkward, keeping my distance as usual. Maybe I could have tried taking initiative? Though that wouldn't have been the most opportune time. I did a lot of stupid stuff during those years, but not anything major in the romance department. And, not having a boyfriend or whatever did NOT make me unhappy. You don't need a significant other to be happy or enjoy life.

And, finally Senior year. I feel like this year might have been a little hypocritical of Freshman year (and of my nature and personality in general. I'm usually very passive when it comes to liking a guy). There are times where I felt like it wasn't going anywhere, but I still pursued. I probably should have kept my emotions in check. Though, I can't say I wasn't proud of my confidence this year.

Gosh, I'm really terrible at trying to give serious advice. It just sounds sappy and you've probably heard it all before. So, I'll wrap this up.

Thank you so much to all of you who have read and followed me along on this journey. I never expected this book to get so many reads (over 1.7K!!!!!!) and actually get a ranking (#145 in Humour on 03/24/18). I hope you've been able to learn something or laugh at my misfortunes. Either would make me happy and feel like this book had a purpose.

All of you that have left comments are wonderful. All of you that have voted are wonderful. All of you that have silently read are wonderful.

Thank you for your time and support.

All the love,

Alpaca :)

(July 3rd, 2018)

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