I May or May Not Have a Death Wish

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His answer was, "Bitch, what the fuck? You think I'd actually want to go somewhere with you? That's crazy."

I got so sad--

Nah, I'm kidding. It was, "Sure." With a shrug and this cute little smile.

I probably gave him a nervous, but excited smile back, "Well, I don't really care what we do, so you can choose. What ever you think of, I'm cool with. We can even just drive around until we find something."

He nodded. "And if we go by Waffle House, I can ask how much the servers make and about applying there . . . oh, but what about my brother getting picked up?"

He thought about it for two more seconds, then said it would work out and his brother would be fine.

I was internally smirking so hard.

I walked away to go pack my things in my book bag, and I worked it out for Nilgai to sign me out of the next class while I turned in an assignment for another so it wouldn't take too long to go with Ocelot.

So, he and I walked out of the classroom together and headed to the math class where I had to drop off the assignment. But this man was awkward as heck. He was kind of lagging behind me on the way there, and then he popped in the math class for like 5 seconds with me before walking out again. The teacher was taking forever to take my paper and when I went back out in the hall, this guy was not there. I walked down and around the corner, and he was just chilling there out of sight.

Then, I remembered I had something else to turn in. I hurried to do that, and again, this man disappeared. I went outside of the school building and did not see him. I got a little freaked out.

Was he just kidding about wanting to skip, or did he go to class because I was taking forever?

I thought, I'll give him ten seconds and then I'm just going to leave. So, I stood in front of the school, digging in my purse to get my car key, while also looking for him. I finally spotted him in the parking lot and he waved at me.

That was all too confusing.

I walked over to him and he teased me asking why I was just standing there. I told him I was "looking for my key", and then we walked over to my car.

On the way, I noticed Nilgai and Toucan in the parking lot with another guy from our school. Crap. Nilgai noticed me and I quickly looked away. The next thing I hear is happy screeching coming from their direction. Great.

I hurried over to my car. "So, this is my baby." I said proudly. (1998 Volkswagen Jetta TDI. Literally, I love that fooking car. It's not new and definitely doesn't look that cool on the outside, but it's a great car. Seriously. It used to be my dad's ever since I can remember so it has good memories associated with it, too.)

He chuckled and we got in the car while I grumbled about my ugly friends.

I was so nervous, anxious, and apprehensive. This was the first time I had ever had a boy in my car. Whaaaat.

But, it went pretty smoothly. I backed out of my parking space and started driving towards the exit of the school campus when he asked, "Is this a stick shift?"

Duh. I've changed gears a few times now.

"Yep." Smirksmirksmirkmsmirksmirk.

[It always surprises everyone when they find out I can drive a stick shift. Because 1) hardly anyone in our generation does and 2) because I'M A GIRL. OOOOOOOOoOoOoOo!!!11!!!11!1!!!

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