I Finally Spit Out My Worries . . . Well Only One

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(Warning that this chapter has a slow "build" to the main part.)

It's the last week of school for me, since I'm a senior this year. (Date this was written was May 17th.) Seniors get out a week early where I'm from if you have good attendance, good grades, and exempt your finals.

The previous Saturday this fact really hit me: I'll never see most of these kids again and I'll barely be able to see my close friends on a regular basis once college starts in the fall.

So, I decided to do something for my friends. Plus Ocelot, even though we don't really talk anymore.

For my close circle of five people, I decided I was going to collect all our photos together since the freshman year and make everyone a photo album, then write a personal message in the front cover. For Ocelot I had another idea. I was going to give him a drawing of mine and two photographs.

The entire week I spent time after school editing the photos, about 200 of them. I wanted to get the project done by this week since the majority of my friends wouldn't go to school the next week. I had also overheard that Ocelot might not be showing up the rest of this week. Therefore, I messaged him asking if he would be at school. He said yes and asked why. I just told him I had something for him.

By Wednesday night I was pretty much done. I had all the photos sorted and just had editing, however my internet was trash and wouldn't upload my photos so I could have Walmart print them for me ahead of time, so I could just stop by and pick them up. I went to bed at 2 AM and woke up at 5:30 to try and upload more, but the internet still wasn't working. So, I went to Walmart at 6:45 to use their system in store.

That worked fine, but I had to wait until 10 to pick them up. Good thing I had an AP test. You see, I don't know if you guys remember, but I have those two separate schools I go to. All the AP tests take place at the base school. This particular test was in the afternoon. My plan was to go to first period, not go to the next school and just stay at the base one for a little bit, then go pick up the pictures and come back for the test.

I got to school (after swinging back by my house to pick up my sister) and in my first period we were having this little End of the Year party, so we were basically doing nothing besides eating food. I walked in and jokingly told Ocelot that I lied about having the stuff, and that I would have it after 10. I also asked if he was going to the other school or staying here, and he said he didn't know.

During this class, I worked on some stuff on my laptop. But the thing is, my laptop is messed up and doesn't work unless it's plugged in charging. I was semi-sitting-semi-squatting on the floor since I didn't feel like moving a desk close to the outlet.

I didn't mind the situation, but Ocelot came over and said, "You don't want to sit in a chair?"

"No, I'm fine like this."

"You sure? You look uncomfortable."

"It's okay. I'm not going to be here too long. It's not that bad." I was being truthful, I was totally good. I really didn't mind.


He walked away and a minute later came back with a chair from the front of the class. (Our desk chairs are attached to the desks themselves, so this boy went and got the one swivel chair.)

"Oh," I said with a small smile. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." He gave me a small smile back before he went back to what he was doing, as did I.

What a fucking gentlemen. Truly, chivalry must not be dead.

A lot of girls seemingly like the bad boy look and tsundere attitude, and I won't deny that I do find that attractive occasionally (like in books, lmao. Fictional boys are better than real ones.), but what I like more are these small acts of kindness.

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