One Last Rendezvous Before Shit Gets Real (PART 1)

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July 31st, 2018

. . . Darn, it's been two whole months. Two whole months where Ocelot and I haven't seen each other and have barely talked. Maybe only a few times. Two months where I've been able to observe him hanging out with friends on social media. Two months where half the time I never got a text back.

In early July, we actually mentioned that we should hang out with each other. A week later I finally got a reply from him saying that he's been working like crazy and in two weeks we could hanging out because he was quitting his job before moving to college. A week before, we decide on a date to finally hang out and the day prior we decide all the details.

Gosh, I feel like I'm just hurting myself with all of this. From just being pushed off as second (or more like 100th) to everyone else to even making attempts to hang out when we're both going our separate ways for college.


After that whole blow up and grounding by my parents I thought long and hard about if I really wanted to do this adventure with Ocelot . . .

And I said, Fuck it.

Yes, my parents were pissed at me and, yes, I would be in a whole lot more trouble. Like a lot more. That's considering just sneaking out and not that they would probably say I'm trying to show off for this particular boy with my body—that he was my intent and motive behind dressing the way I did. Which is NOT true at all.

So after the follow up lecture with my mother and the conversation with both of my parents, Ocelot and I planned for our little rendezvous. I looked at maps and got directions to three different places of interest. He didn't care what we did and neither did I, but I chose abandoned places again (he had told me to do most of the planning because he "isn't good at that stuff"). But this time in the city.

The next day I picked him up at his house at about 11:20 AM. I told my mom that I was going to work because I had gotten called in. Ocelot had been waiting for me on his front porch and when he started approaching the car a little dog followed. He opened the door and laughed since I had showed up in my work clothes, and said that was literally him.

Ocelot got in the car and greeted me with a hug. (A niiiiiiiice hug, like one of those comforting tight ones.) Also, damn, he smelled good. It was strange, because it wasn't a cologne smell. I could tell he wasn't wearing any. He just smelled like boy. This weirdly pleasant, clean, human smell. As if that makes any sense.

Thankfully, things weren't too awkward between us. Though, if he had heard my weird thoughts they definitely would have been.

We started on our way and to break the mini-not-so-awkward-silence I asked if that was his dog. He told me kind of, but not really. It had been his cousins' but they had had some trouble with him so Ocelot's family took him. Freaking cute dogs.

After that brief question, Ocelot asked what exactly I did to be grounded and I told him the gist. How I was disrespecting my parents and their rules as well as asking for the wrong kind of attention from men, to which he basically scoffed at and said my parents were really strict.

Further on down the road he asked me how my summer has been.

"Boring. I haven't done much at all. How was yours?" I glanced over at him as we stopped at a red light.

"You just avoided the question."

"Well, I mean I've just been working and probably the most fun part was having Nilgai and Coati over for an entire week. Like I said, I haven't done much so other than that it was boring. Now what about you?"

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