The Last of Ya Home Boy Ocelot

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Can you believe that it's been five months since we've even seen each other? Yep, that time we explored abandoned stuff in the city in July was the last.

Of course, we have college, but even then we've barely even talked. It's also the semester break currently, which we both have a month off for, and we haven't said a word to each other the entire time.

The most conversation we've had is commenting here and there on a Snap story, which probably hasn't happened in the last two months. I think we had one conversation back in October going on in the Snapchat messages, and I then got his phone number because I said, and truthfully meant, that I don't really like talking over Snap.

We texted back and forth twice. Then I tried to send him something early or mid November, only to find out that his number was changed (I got a message saying the subscriber or something didn't exist). I think a little before that he commented on an Instagram post of mine.

Oh, and one time I was going to be in the city where he goes to college but he told me he had something going on in another city that weekend.

And that has literally been all communication. Am I surprised? Not really. We weren't ever really the best of friends.

You might be wondering if he was just too busy with college. Yes and no. His absolute best girl friend he visited more than once, which makes sense and doesn't make me one bit upset. We were definitely not as close. He had time for that, but I also heard from his best guy friend and another friend of his (I go to college with both) that he's actually kind of dropped off the face of the Earth. Caracal said he hadn't hung out with him all semester and that when he texted him, he wouldn't reply for days or sometimes a week (At this time, I had messaged Ocelot a few times and he had always responded within the day :P). The other girl said she messaged him once and he replied two weeks later. She also said that their mutual friends that go to college with him have told her that they sometimes forget he even goes there. He hung out with them a few times, but stopped and never talked to them either.

All of that just made me wonder if he's okay and that if everything is going all right.

Probably, knowing him.

This is kind of what I expected from college. All the friends drifting apart. So, it didn't shock or upset me.

Do I regret any friendships or that of which I had with Ocelot? Of course not.

The past is what makes us who we are today.

I better halt myself.

I still have another book to write specifically about college. ;)


[December 31, 2018]

Happy New Year.

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