Chapitre Trois

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"Are you going to your boyfriend's house tonight?" Eliza casually asked Alexander, walking into his classroom, eating gas station trail mix. Alex just rolled his eyes.

"First off, yes, I am. Second off, he's not my boyfriend," He answered dismissively. Every Friday night some of the high school staff got together at somebody's house and watched movies for hours upon hours. It was John's place tonight.

"You mean he's not your boyfriend right now. He will be before you know it," Eliza said confidently. Alexander just rolled his eyes again and went back to work, If there was one person you shouldn't argue with, it was Elizabeth Schuyler. "You know I'm right, Ally," she chorused in a singsong voice and she walked out of the room. Before walking away, however, she popped her head in and warned him about his retinas detaching.

Often times Alex wished that he didn't make it so obvious the he liked John. Sometimes it made it even worse for Alex to have his friends sparing his feelings and saying they think John liked him. It almost rubbed it in that he never would.

The day went by slowly. Fridays were some of the best days, but the worst to teach on. Instead of learning the kids just want the day to be over. None of them paying any attention makes for a boring day. However, the chaos at the end of makes up for it. It was most of the usual people tonight; Alex, John, Eliza, Angelica, Lafayette, and Hercules. Peggy had been sick for a few days. The group decided on Disney movies that night, and the room was filled with laughter as everybody sang along to 'Under the Sea".

At the end of the night everybody thought it best, and most fun, to turn it into a sleepover, even though there was very limited sleeping space. Laf and Hercules took John's bed, Eliza and Angelica decided to sleep on the floor, which left John and Alex to share the couch. There was only one pillow, and Alex insisted John take it due to his neck troubles, but John said that Alex should have it because he was the guest. Eventually, however, Angelica suggested that they share the pillow.

John saw zero fault in this idea, and before he could say anything, Alex was practically getting spooned by John. He was blushing furiously. Eliza gave him a thumbs up and then turned over to sleep. The taller man was out like a light. His hand was dangerously close to Alexander's stomach, and Alex tried to squirm to get it farther away. All of his rustling woke up John however, and Alex was trying to think as quickly as possible for why he was squirming. 

"Are you okay, 'Lex?" John asked quietly still half asleep. The rough edge of his tired voice made Alex feel weaker than he already did, and the nickname didn't help.

"Um, yeah, I'm... I'm fine. Just having a hard time sleeping," Alex managed to stutter out. He could feel John nod, and soon go back to sleep.  Alex softly sighed in relief, and eventually calmed down and decided to go to sleep, cherishing the moment and situation that he was in.

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