Chapitre Quinze

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Alex woke up in the morning not remembering much. He felt cold, which was odd until he realized he was in his pajamas in Eliza's room. Wait, Eliza's room? It flooded back to him. He didn't think much of it. It was just a normal sleepover on a Friday. Alex just closed his eyes and went back to sleep, not noticing the arm firmly holding him.

A few minutes after Alex went back to sleep, Eliza went into her bedroom to wake up the two guys. She didn't really look around, and just started talking, assuming that Alex was already up. He could be an early riser when he wanted to be.

"Hey, Ally, can you two get out of my room so I can ch-" Eliza stopped talking mid-sentence. The rushed out of the room to Angelica, who was the only other person awake. "Angelica! They. Are. Cuddling," Eliza told her sister ecstatically. Angelica rolled her eyes.

"You're just seeing things. You can't start saying people are cuddling when they're just scrunched in a bed," Angelica scolded her, with amused undertones in her voice. Eliza shook her head frantically.

"No, come see it! They are actually cuddling this time!" Eliza was freaking out. Angelica sighed, and got up to go into her sister's room. "See!" Eliza gestured to the two guys.

"Eliza, I don't think..." Angelica trailed off. John's arm was around Alex, pulling them close together. "Oh my God," Angelica said. She went up closer to them, both sound asleep.

"Um, Alex? John?" Angelica asked. They both woke up slowly, groggily blinking their eyes. It took them a couple seconds to register what Angelica was raising her eyebrows about. They both jumped away from each other, Alex nearly falling off the bed. They made eye contact for a second, and then both looked at Angelica, and then both looked at Eliza.

"You know, we were really tired last night.." John started.

"And we... confessed a couple things..." Alex continued the statement.

"And then that happened without either of us realizing..." John finished the statement and trailed off.

"Well, my sister wants to change out of her pajamas, so how about you leave her to do that and work all this out in the living room?" Angelica stifled a laugh and walked out, leaving the other three in there in an awkward silence.

"Well, um, we will move for you," Alex started. "And then you can get dressed. And after that we can discuss the fact that you can never ever tell anybody else about this." Alex smiled at her and got up, and John followed suit. They walked out of the room, and just made eye contact. They held it for a while and then broke down laughing.

"That was one of the most awkward situations I have ever been in," John said, still dying. Alex nodded. They finally calmed down and Alex sighed.

"So, about what I said last night, I-I understand if you're mad or something," Alex could hear his voice shaking, but he tried to ignore it. John put his arm on Alex's shoulder.

"About what I said last night," Alex winced. John would say he wasn't thinking, that it wasn't true. "I wasn't kidding. I really did hope it was you, but I just.. I didn't think it could be you.." he looked away. Alex thought he could see a blush on John's cheeks.

"You- you're serious?" Alex asked him, unsure if this was just out of pity.

"Yeah, Alexander, I am," he laughed. "We should probably get ready now, before Herc and Laf take over the bathroom,"

Boy oh boy it's gettin CuTe up in here. Also, I had to go back to school today, but I left early because turns out I have Influenza B. How fun *jazz hands*

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