Chapitre Cinquante Neuf

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"Are we actually doing this?" Alex asked, looking at the small house in front of him and his boyfriend. John snorted.

"I mean, we bought it. We don't have much of a choice anymore," he pointed out. On no other day than their one month anniversary, Alexander asked John if they should live together. One month later they had a house, mostly thanks to James, who found it for them.

Alex was nervous, to say the least. He had never lived in a house before. Even growing up Alex's family was too poor, and could barely afford their scrappy apartment. He hadn't shared his anxieties about the house with John, not wanting to worry him. It was a change, but Alexander had undergone plenty of those in his life. He could handle one more.

The neighborhood they were in was very clearly a family neighborhood, so it was understandable that two unmarried gay men moving in might cause a bit of commotion. One of the nice things about the location was how close it was to the school district. But, proximity to schools also meant proximity to young children. John was ridiculously incredible with little kids. Alex... not so much.

"There are so many everywhere," Alex complained to his boyfriend about the situation. John laughed, and rolled his eyes.

"On our whole block there are a total of like, five. You're fine, Alex." It had been a week or so since they had moved, and they were still unpacking. At the moment, John was trying to get everything into the kitchen without breaking a plate or losing a finger to the pizza cutter. Alex shook his head.

"You don't get it. I think these ones like me," Alex said, voice barely rising above a whisper. John laughed again.

"Is that a bad thing?" he questioned.

"I... I'm not sure..." Alex answered truthfully, sounding thoroughly perplexed. "I'm bad with kids, they normally hate me."

"Alex, you are not bad with kids. Don't say that," John scolded, playfully. "Now please help do something, because we still have a third of our boxes left and I've unpacked all of them so far," he teased. Alex stuck his tongue out and went to go get a box. He got the box with the comforter, sheets, and everything else needed for the bed. The day prior they had set up the bed frame and gotten the mattress put on, but had no blankets to sleep under. All was going well... until Alex had to put on the sheets.

If you're thinking to yourself that sheets are normally one of the very first steps, then you would be absolutely right. And Alexander Hamilton was completely incapable of putting them on his mattress. Thankfully, John came into the bedroom after at least forty-five minutes of Alex struggling with the sheets.

"What exactly would you do without me?" John asked, a grin threatening to break out at any given moment. Alex laughed a little.

"Let's not think about that, hun," Alex asked. John debated whether or not to point out the pet name, and in the end decided to let it slide. After all, how could Alex stop if he didn't know he was doing it?

Yikes this chapter feels kind of all over but idk maybe y'all like it. Also, I have family over for Easter, ugh. Also, I'm reading Ron Chernow's bio of Hammy and it's actually really good. I was worried it would be boring, but it's not.

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