Chapitre Vingt-Neuf

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Ayye another cutesy chapter because these are fun to write

That Wednesday John was almost late to school for the sole fact that he didn't wake up to his alarm. He didn't check his phone that morning, or do many other typical items on the agenda of his mornings. He rushed to school, and for a while thought nothing unusual of his day. That is, until third period came around, which was normally Alexander's free period. But he didn't come down today. John decided, during lunch, to go see Alexander instead.

Except, he couldn't. He peeked into the room and it looked like there was a substitute. A younger woman. Possibly even a college student. John almost felt bad. Those kids liked Alex, and he had a fair grip on them. But without him there, she'll be eaten alive. John walked away, towards the office. He wasn't really sure why Alex wasn't there today. Maybe he had texted John, and John just hadn't seen it.

He got to the office and poked his head into the doorway. At the desk he saw Aaron Burr, the secretary. John was forever conflicted between whether Burr was the absolute best or absolute worst choice for a school secretary. The guy was neutral on everything. That wasn't to say he didn't have opinions, but he would never share them with anybody. He didn't get angry fast, but when he did you wanted to get the fuck away from him. And it doesn't help that he always wanted to get a job as a teacher instead.

"Hey, Aaron?" John asked, walking into the office now. Aaron looked up, raising an eyebrow slightly and looking as uninterested as ever. "Do you know why Alexander is out today?" Aaron looked at his notes and looked back at John.

"Your boyfriend called in sick today. Sounded congested, so I'm pretty sure it's for real," He answered. John stopped for a second, thinking.

"Hey, Aaron, I don't feel so well. I think I'm going to take a sick day," John said, hopeful Burr would let it slide. Burr sighed.

"I really shouldn't let you," Burr said. "But I would do the same for Theo, so go ahead. I'll find a sub." John internally jumped for joy.

"Thanks, I owe you one!" John said pointing at Burr. Burr just shook his head slightly, looking exasperated. Now John just had to look sick as he left the building, and stop by the store.

He got out of the building successfully and without any question, and drove to the store to get everything that he needed. He finished the shopping and drove to Alex's apartment. He didn't worry about it being locked, because the idiot always forgot to lock it at night. Hell, one night he left his door open. Thankfully all that happened was he got a note on his door from his neighbor. John opened the door quietly, hoping Alex was asleep. He checked in the bedroom, and there was his poor, sick boyfriend, fast asleep and looking miserable.

John, as quietly as he possibly could, got out some bowls and pots. He got the groceries out and, once again trying to be quiet, started making chicken noodle soup for Alex. While he waited for that to cook he got out a teddy bear and some Gatorade. He may not be the best at public affection, but John could be a damn good boyfriend when it was just them.

About an hour later, just as the soup finished cooking, John decided to go check on Alex. He was still sleeping, but he had been for a couple hours, so John went over to wake him up. He shook Alex's shoulder a bit and whispered for him to wake up. Alex groggily opened his eyes and yawned. He looked confused to see John, but also relieved.

"Johnny?" Alex asked. Normally he wasn't a huge fan of nicknames, but maybe there's an exception when he's completely delirious. "What're you doing here? You should be at-" John cut him off.

"No, hun, I took the second half of the day off," John said, brushing some tangled hair off of Alexander's forehead. "I wanted to be here with you." Alex smiled a little, and then sniffed.

"What's that smell?" Alex asked. "Did you make something?" John nodded.

"Yup," John said. "I made you some soup." John led him out to the kitchen, where Alex delightfully snatched up and hugged the bear John had gotten him.

They sat and ate soup together, each spending nearly an hour on one bowl from eating so slowly. Towards the end of the night Alex had started falling asleep. John picked him up and carried him into his bed. After cleaning up the dishes John, not caring if he got sick, climbed into bed with Alex and stayed they night.

This is kind of a long chapter, so that's fun. Also, apparently this isn't something everybody does, but in MY family we always drink Gatorade when we're sick because of the electrolytes. That's why John got Alex some. I mean, also because I didn't know what else he should get him, but that's besides the point.

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