Chapitre Trente Cinq

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"Are you sure you're not too sore?" John asked Alex Friday morning, before school started. Alex shrugged.

"No, I'm definitely too sore," he responded casually. "But I've missed a total of two days in my teaching career, and I'm not going to make it three for such a stupid reason." John laughed and shook his head.

"Goodness, you can be stubborn," John said affectionately. He turned as though he was going to leave the room, then turned back around. "Hey, are you going to the Schuyler's tonight?" John asked, with a sudden nervousness seeping into his words. "Or do you want to do something else?" Alex was confused. John loved Friday nights.

"I was planning on going. Why? Is something wrong with that?" Alex asked.

John shook his head. "N-no, it's just that..." Alex raised his eyebrows, encouraging John to continue. John sighed. "Well, Peggy said she was pretty sure Angelica invited Thomas.." John looked away, briefly noting the anger that lit up Alexander's eyes at simply the mention of the name.

"Let's go, then," Alex said in a cold tone. "Let's go and if he's there show that prick how good your life has been without him."

"I don't kn-" John tried to protest, but Alex cut him off.

"I'll explain to Angelica, and if you get too uncomfortable then I'll tell you we are leaving. She'll understand." John had to admit, Alex was right this time. Plus, John never liked missing Friday nights. He gave in.

"Fine, I'll go," John said. Alex nodded his head, clearly glad that John wasn't letting Thomas get in the way of him living his life. "I'll see you after  school, then," John told him, and then left the room.

Alex looked up at the clock, seeing there were a few minutes left before the school day started. He went up to Angelica's classroom, trying not to seethe with rage, knowing that she couldn't have known. He got to her room and knocked lightly on her door, which was open for a change. He perked up when she saw him.

"Oh, hey Al-" Alex cut her off immediately.

"Did you. Invite. Jefferson?" Alex was trying to control himself, control his absolute disgust for that man. Angelica looked confused.

"Um, yes. I thought he seemed nice enough, and I wanted him to make some friends. Is that a problem..?" Angelica was clearly confused at Alexander's irate behavior.

"Angelica, do you remember when I told you about John's horrible friends of college?" Alex asked her. She nodded slowly.

"How could I forget?" She said as though it was the most implausible concept.

"Yeah, well Thomas was one of them," Alex said, his voice once again turning cold. Her mouth dropped. "He's apparently changed, and John and I are still planning on going, but if we have to leave early, then you let us leave without question, okay?" Angelica nodded. Alex turned to leave the room, but Angelica stopped him before he could completely walk out.

"You must really love him," Angelica pointed out to him while he was in the doorway.

"More than I ever thought I could," Alex told her, not even turning around to face her. And he walked out of the room, then and there.

Woah protective!alex is going hardcore in this chapter look out. Also I just got back from a Newsboys concert and yo it was so cool

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