Chapitre Soixante Deux

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"Alex we have to get up," John said, audibly smiling. Alex groaned, muffled by his pillow.


"Because we have jobs," John responded as though he was talking to a five year old.

"Let's call in sick today."

"Alex, we can't do that," John told him.


"Because Aaron is a snitch and he'll tell Washington that we were just fine this weekend," John explained. Alex finally uncovered his face from the fluffy mass it was buried in and turned to John.

"We can blackmail 'im. We know he's secretly seeing somebody and we know his daughter," Alex said. John's eyes widened, long with his grin.

"I never knew you to be so sinister, Alex! I thought you didn't approve of blackmail," John teased, mildly shocked at Alexander's sudden outburst of evil.

"I don't want to get out of bed," Alex said, shrugging. John laughed, but didn't object. He rolled over a little and grabbed his phone to dial Washington.

"John? It's 7 in the morning what are you calling about?" Washington answered. 

"Always one for warm greetings, huh boss?" John started, jokingly. "Listen, I got the stomach bug this weekend and gave it to Alex, so neither of us can come in today." He heard Washington sigh.

"Okay, I'll find a couple subs," Washington said. "Feel better." Washington hung up, and John put his phone back down, turning over to his boyfriend.

"Day off, no questions asked," John said, slightly proud of being so convincing. Alexander smiled and nestled into John's chest.

"So we can sleep in for a bit longer?" Alex asked hopefully. John chuckled a little.

"Yes, we can sleep in for a bit longer," John grinned.

The taller of the two was awoken about three hours later at the feeling of his partner quickly pulling out of his arms and running into the bathroom. John waited for a couple minutes, straining to hear any noises, when Alex finally yelled something at him.

"Johnny," Alex started, voice sounding weaker than it had earlier in the morning. "I actually have the stomach bug." Alex sounded like a third grader talking to his mother. John sighed.

"Are you alright in there?" John called. There was silence for a second, and John was unsure whether Alex was thinking or vomiting.

"I think so," Alex answered. "Can you get water and crackers from the kitchen?" Alex asked.

"Sure thing, hun," John answered, getting out of bed. He was a little worried about Alex, but he also knew it was just a virus. It had been going around the school quite a bit, so it was no surprise one of them got it. John got a couple bottles of water from the fridge and a package of saltines, hopefully enough for at least a couple hours. Alex may have gotten sick, but that didn't mean they couldn't still spend the whole day in bed.

John got back to the bedroom to find Alex cuddled up in the comforter. "Hey, baby, you sure you're feeling okay?" John asked.

"Well, besides that fact that I just puked my guts out and I'm going in between chills and unbearably hot, yeah I'm great," Alex answered. John walked over to the bed, smiling a little.

"You're always unbearably hot," John joked, sitting down next to his ill boyfriend. He received a glare from Alex, who was also clearly trying not to laugh.

"Don't act all cute, I'm trying to be miserable," Alex mock-scolded, finally smiling. "Thanks for dealing with me." John laughed.

"I love dealing with you," John grinned. "Now, let's watch movies while I do just that." Alex gave John a toothy grin and they snuggled together, neither one of them particularly worried about spreading germs to one another.

Oof guess who's been awful about updating lately oh wait thats me sorryyy

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