Chapitre Quarante-Quatre

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"How on God's green earth did somebody like Jefferson end up with somebody like James?" Alex asked John the following Saturday. John chuckled.

"I think you're a little hard on him, Alex," John said. "Thomas isn't that bad." Alex shook his head.

"No, really, I'm serious," Alex insisted. "Think of what Jefferson was like when he was, you know, in denial." John thought about it for a second. Alex had a point.

"I don't know. Did you see how gentle he acted whenever James was around? I think James gets a totally different side of him," John pointed out.

"That's true," Alex admitted. "Gotta say, it was weird seeing Thomas act like that. I'm used to him being sarcastic and annoying." John raised his eyebrows in surprise, and Alex furrowed his, confused by John's reaction. "What?"

"Did you just call him Thomas?" John asked, caught in between laughing and simply being too surprised to laugh. Alexander's eye widened. He hoped he hadn't been saying that often. Hopefully this was the first, and last, time.

"Maybe, but that doesn't mean I'm going to start doing it. I wasn't thinking." Alex tried to make excuses, caught off guard. John just laughed at him, shaking his head.

"So what? If you weren't thinking then that just means that Thomas comes more naturally than Jefferson." Alex hated that John was right. He glared daggers at his boyfriend, who wore a smug smile.

"Whatever," Alex said, still refusing to give in to John's logic. "Thanksgiving is coming up, let's talk about that." Alexander clearly wanted to change the subject from him warming up to his sworn enemy.

"What do you want to talk about?" John asked. This was a random subject for Alex to choose.

"Well, do you have any plans?" Alex asked, looking out the window instead of at John. Still confused, John answered.

"I mean, if I do what I do most years then I'll just go to my family's dinner. It's kind of a ways away, so it doesn't always work. I think it will this year, though," John explained. Alex nodded. "Why?" John asked, still curious. Alex took a deep breath in.

 "WellIhaventtalkedtomydadinyearsandmymomdiedalongtimeagoandIhaventhadanybodytospendThanksgivingwithforyearsandIwaswonderingifIcouldgotoThanksgivingwithyou," Alex said, out of breath by the end. John looked at him.

"Now would you like to repeat that at a speed I can understand?" John asking, lightly smiling. He was trying to be gentle, for he could tell Alexander was nervous. Alex took another deep breath.

"Well, I, uh... I haven't told you this before, but my mom died a long time ago, and I haven't spoken with my dad for years, so I haven't spent Thanksgiving with anybody in a while, or even really celebrated it. I guess.. I don't know... I was just wondering if I could spend it with you, and you know, meet your family and stuff..." Alex trailed off, embarrassed at how much he had been stuttering. "I don't know, maybe you think it's too soon or something. It was a silly idea. Just forget ab-" John cut him off.

"I would love for you to meet my family, hun," John said. "My mom is going to love you, I just know it," he said, trying to comfort Alex, who had started crying at some point while making his request. He brushed tears off of his cheeks. "Hey, I love you. You know that, right?" John asked, softly. Alex nodded, smiling a little.

Henry is supportive and Eleanor is alive and the story will stay this way in order to keep the fluff level high thx

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