Chapitre Seize

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Dear John,

     After our, how do you say, confessions on Friday, I have decided that we should do something together. I hope you would be willing to out with me sometime. On an official date, that is. I hope you take my request into consideration.

Sincerely, Your (No Longer) Secret Admirer

P.S. Your freckles are cute

John smiled. Alex always added messages like that at the end of his other letters. Of all ways for Alex to ask him on a date, he decided to bring this back. That was very much like him, and John loved it. Scratch that, John loved him. John fell for Alex the moment he met him. He wasn't sure exactly what it was. Maybe his dorky smile, his awkward mannerisms, his slight stutter. Maybe it was that everything about him was so darn cute.

John remembered the day clearly. He had been going around from room to room. Everybody had been super happy and outgoing towards him. Towards the end of one hall, John was almost exhausted. Everyone was so energetic, and he eventually he got worn out from having to act that way himself. He readied himself to go into the next classroom. He knocked lightly and walked in. Easily one of the largest rooms he had seen so far, he looked around the room. He soon spotted a relatively short man at his desk correcting papers with music playing. He looked up at John and shuffled his papers around quickly. He pulled his earbuds out and quickly tried to pause his music.

The man got up and walked over to John. his shaggy brown hair was pulled back and he was dressed relatively formally for a teacher. Her looked up at John with mocha brown eyes. John held out his hand before the man could offer his. "I'm John. John Laurens," John told him firmly gripping the man's hand.

"Alexander Hamilton. You must be the new art and gym teacher," he said. John nodded.

"That's me," he said, trying to sound enthusiastic. He sighed. "Can I be honest?" John asked him. Alexander nodded. "I don't know if I can be energetic with one more person today,"

Alexander laughed. "I can only imagine all the people you had to meet. Don't worry, I'm one of the least energetic teachers here," he said, still lightly chuckling.

"That's good to know," John said. He sat down on a student desk, meanwhile him and Alexander talked for about twenty minutes. This was one of the most attractive people John had ever seen. He didn't notice it until they started really talking, but he couldn't seem to stop noticing it after that. He had a light stubble, and you could see how much his face lit up when talking about something he loved. He had curves, and was a bit on the heavier side, but that didn't make him any less attractive. If anything, it added on to not only his appearance but his personality.

John snapped back into reality when a student came up to him, asking for advice on which color scheme she should use for her paint pour. He helped her with the situation, and typed an email for Alexander, telling him yes, he would love to go on a date.

This chapter was kind of fun to write. Idk it was nice writing it from John's pov

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