Chapitre Neuf

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Alex texted Eliza about it. This idea he had. He could do a secret admirer thing with John. Email him, text him, even write letters. Best of all is that he knew John would get a kick out of it. Eliza thought it was brilliant, romantic, adorable, and every adjective she could possibly think of. She swore not to tell anybody, and it was our little secret.

As perfect as the idea may have seemed, Alexander never felt like he was good with words. Other people said he was, but he couldn't convince himself of it. He tried to write casual emails, but as they went on they turned into flowing love letters. Alexander wasn't a hopeless romantic, but every single thought and word pouring out of him while writing this was sappy and cliche and made him sound like a Disney movie.

He read it over, blushing to himself with how descriptive he got, and how completely in love he sounds. He sighed to himself, winced, and pressed send. This was the absolute cheesiest thing he could ever do. Jane Austen would be proud. He was walking back and forth during his free period, wondering if he did something that would give it away. Maybe he should visit the art room. Does that make it more or less obvious?

Alexander sucked it up, told himself it made it less obvious, and walked down to the art room. The classes had started working with watercolor, and when Alex walked in the room, he couldn't believe how talented some of these students were. 

John saw him and walked up to him and seemed normal. But instead of a normal greeting he leaned in and whispered "You need to see something. This is wild." John's voice was low and sent chills down Alexander's spine. But Alex shook it off and simply furrowed his eyebrows unknowingly. They walked over to John's computer. "I just got this a few minutes ago. Read it," he said and he went around helping kids while he waited for Alex to finish.

John had highlighted a couple parts that hinted towards who it might be, some of which he was on the right track with and some of which he wasn't. Alex read through the email, raising his eyebrows where he thought someone would raise their eyebrows, and walked up to John when he was done.

"What're you gonna do?" Alex asked. He prayed, and I mean PRAYED, that he wouldn't say show Washington. They could probably trace the computer. Hell, Washington could probably figure out it was Alex on his own. He was one of the best bosses Alex could have, but he was blunt, and wasn't afraid to tell Alex when he's done something wrong. Not that this is wrong.

"I don't know... I might respond. Who knows, I'm single and maybe this person is cool. If they end up being an ass then I'll probably tell Washington but it's pretty harmless right now," he tells me. I internally scream with joy. The young girl, Theodosia, turns her head around and looks at John.

"Mr. Laurens, did you just say ass?" She asks him cocking an eyebrow. He laughs.

"Theo, did you just say ass?" He retorts. She turns away blushing furiously. John and Alex walk away. "She's a little brown-noser but I can still have fun with her," he laughs. No wonder Eliza likes her. Eliza goes head over heels for suck ups.

"So you're gonna respond?" Alex asked him. John nodded.

"Like I said, it's harmless right now, and I'm in desperate need of a relationship right now. I mean, there are people I'm interested in but..." John trailed off. Alex raised his eyebrows, as if asking who, but John shook his head and dismissed it. Alex probably would have pushed a little  more, but the bell was gonna ring in a couple of minutes.

Alex walked back to his room and exasperatedly put his head in his hands, like he tended to do when distressed. What the actual hell did he just get himself into?

Should I start putting author's notes at the ends of chapters? I don't exactly what I want to say in them but I think I might start adding them anyways. Also, I highkey based Theo off of what I'm like at school, I am such a teacher's pet that it's crazy.

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