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I just started listening to the band clipping. today and oh my goodness is all I can even say about it like wowee

"Is he gonna do it?" Alexander asked. John was telling him about the earlier conversation. John shrugged.

"I don't know," John said. "I'm not going to pester him about it. He can come out when he chooses. I just really want to meet this magic person who made Jefferson a tolerable person."

"He has no reason to be nervous though! Literally all of our friends are gay except for Angelica and Peggy, and I have my suspicions about Peggy," Alex said. "Has she told you anything?" He eyed John who looked nervous.

"That's unimportant," John said. Alex looked annoyed.

"What is it with you people and answering questions with 'unimportant'?" John hadn't even realized he said it. He swatted his hand at the air.

"No matter. Why did we start talking about Peggy anyways?" John was clearly dodging the subject, and Alex let it slide. Peggy was absolutely terrifying, and if John outed her to Alex... well, Alex didn't even want to know what would happen. "Anyways, I know what you mean, but I know where he's coming from too. I knew how supportive our friends are, and I was still scared to tell them about our relationship."

"Good point," Alex said. He was much more empathetic for John than he was Thomas. "I have to say one thing, though."

"And what is that one thing?" John asked, raising his eyebrows. He didn't know what exactly to prepare for.

"Even though he's not as bad of a person anymore, I find him exceptionally unlikable," he said. John just laughed. That was a very Alexander thing to say.

That Friday, at Alexander's surprisingly spacious apartment, Thomas was clearly getting annoyed by John and Alex, for a reason unbeknownst to the rest of the group. John and Alex would start coughing whenever somebody said words like out, gay, or boyfriend. The only person to pick up on it, however, was Angelica. At some point in the night, she asked Alexander to meet her in his bedroom.

"So who are you going to out tonight? Because it's not me, and that leaves us with Thomas and Peggy," she said. Alex played innocent.

"What're you talking about?" Alex asked. "Me and John just both happen to have a cough that seems to only be acting up when certain words are spoken." She raised her eyebrow at him.

"Because that's entirely possible," she said. "Now fess up."

"Why did you even notice that?" Alex asked. "You've been ridiculously observant for a while now, but I don't know why you started noticing so many small things." She sighed.

"When- when John told me that you had stopped eating for a while, I really beat myself up over not noticing that," she started. Alex sighed.

"Angelica, you don't have to wor-" he tried to tell her he was fine, but she cut him off.

"No, let me finish. I realized that I couldn't change the fact that I didn't notice that, and other things," Alex thought back to when she was hard on herself for not noticing John's nerves before they revealed their relationship. "I decided I would try to be more observant so that I could catch those things."

"You know what, it's not hurting anything, I guess," Alex said. "Just.. don't beat yourself up over it too much, alright Angie?" she nodded.

"Anyways, who in the group is officially gay now?" She asked. Angelica, if nothing else, was insanely persistent. Alex looked around as though others were in the room with them, and then sighed.

"Thomas," he whispered. Angelica's eyes widened. "He's living with his boyfriend and everything."

"You're kidding!" Angelica whisper-yelled. Alex shook his head. "I won't say anything, promise," she told him. They walked back out into the living room just in time, because pizza was here. Alexander wasn't sure what to think of one detail, though. Thomas like Hawaiian pizza. How could such an annoying person have such amazing taste in pizza?

While everybody ate their pizza in near silence, Thomas cleared his throat. Everyone looked towards him, specifically John, Alex, and Angelica. Alex could sense the anxiety that was practically radiating off of Jefferson. Thomas took a deep breath in and started talking.

"I, uh... I don't want this to be a big deal or anything, but if we're going to be friends then I guess I just thought you should know that I'm gay and I actually have a boyfriend that I'm living with named James who is the absolute best person ever, and I'm sorry for rambling but I just wanted to tell you, but I was kind of nervous because I've never come out to anybody before, or at least not really, and yeah," Thomas finished. The rambling seemed unlike him, but Alex couldn't blame him. Alex turned his head to the sight of Hercules handing Lafayette money.

"What?" Lafayette asked. "Can't a man bet on when his friends will come out?" Nobody responded. Laf pointed at Peggy. "Next week," he ordered. Her mouth opened in horror and she looked away. John stifled a laugh.

"Well, I'll be the first to say that I'm happy for you, and that you had better bring this all amazing 'James' to the next Friday night," Eliza told him. "Especially since Peggy is probably going to come out." Eliza winked at her sister, who looked away and pouted.

"If you'd be okay with it, maybe you could host the next Friday night, Thomas!" Angelica suggested. Thomas shrugged.

"James is shy, so I'll have to ask him about it. I'll find out by like Monday," Thomas seemed a lot more relaxed now, which put the whole room at ease.

From there on out the whole room just laughed and asked questions, and most importantly finished their pizza. It ended up being a very good night.

Woah, Madison might be coming into the picture pretty soon prepare yourselves because it is coming soon

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