Chapitre Treize

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"Alex can I talk with you real quick?" Angelica asked as everybody was getting ready to go to bed. Alex furrowed his eyebrows at her.

"Uh, yeah, sure." He got up and walked over to her as she pulled him into the hallway.

"What have you eaten today?" She asked him in a hushed voice.

"Wait, what? Why does that matter?" Alex almost stepped back a bit.

"It matters because I know you haven't eaten anything today and that's not healthy," she said seriously.

"What? Why would you think that?" Alexander was genuinely curious, but also a little freaked out.

"Because you got to school early this morning without any food, so I'm almost sure you didn't eat breakfast, I know you didn't have lunch because God knows us teachers don't get a chance to eat lunch during the day, and you didn't eat any pizza even though we ordered your favorite kind. Am I wrong?" She asked, raising her eyebrows. Alexander just blinked.

"N-no, you're not wrong. I just-" Alex started to say. Angelica cut him off.

"No, stop it. Don't even finish that sentence, Alexander. I know you weren't busy because you could have eaten supper just a while back, and you had nothing better to do. It's not that you weren't hungry because nobody can go the whole day without eating and not be hungry. Alexander this isn't healthy and you know it," Alex couldn't tell if she sounded mad or disappointed, but he knew it made him feel awful. He sighed.

"If I went into the kitchen and got a piece of pizza and ate it, and never even thought about doing this again, would you drop this?" He asked.

"Fine, whatever. But I want you to tell me why you did this in the first place. Is this about John, or is this about you?" Angelica softened up and sounded genuinely concerned at this point.

"It's not about John, it's just- I don't know. I don't like myself and when things like what Peggy said said earlier happen it doesn't help at all," Alex started babbling. Angelica cut him off again.

"Alex, are you hearing yourself? You are like, the most awesome person in the world, and your body is fine. Just stop worrying, okay?" He nodded and sighed once again. "Now go eat something, dork. I'm watching you," She laughed and walked away. Alex rubbed his face. He didn't think anyone would notice, but instead Angelica went all Sherlock on him.

He went into the kitchen and looked through the boxes until he found Hawaiian. There were surprisingly a few pieces gone. He took one piece out, the smallest albeit, and took a bite. It was really good, and Alex found himself regretting not eating some sooner. John walked into the room as Alex was in mid-bite.

"Good, you're eating something," he said. Alex fought the urge not to roll his eyes.

"Not you too," he whined when he finished chewing.

"I was the one who pointed it out to Angelica in the first place, actually," Alex raised his eyebrows but John didn't see him. "Anyways, I got Eliza's room. I tried to get Angelica's, but the others guys beat us to it."

"That's fine. Angelica's room gets really cold at night, and Peggy's gets way too hot. It's like Goldilocks or something," Alex finished up the piece of pizza and rubbed his hand to get any crumbs off. "Well, let's go," I said and we headed off to the middle bedroom.

I think this turned out a little better? Eh, I just wanted sensitive!alex and protective!angelica

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