Chapitre Quarante-Deux

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The art store was a place foreign to Alex. If he was honest with himself, he didn't actually know the name of it. He always just called it the art store. So with not even that basic knowledge, you can imagine what happened when he actually tried going into it. One item into the list and Alexander was completely lost. That meant he had to do the one thing that only the most shameful of people do.

He asked the employee for help.

He didn't want to do it. He truly didn't. But he had to admit, it was really helpful. He would have never known what gouache was, nor Copics or charcoals. By the end of the trip Alexander had spent more money than he would've liked to admit, but had also bought everything on the list, even if it was in small quantities. He thanked the woman who had helped him, and walked out of the store, feeling satisfied with his trip.

Then he got home, and had to wrap the gift. The problem is, he couldn't. As good as he may have been at giving gifts, Alexander was absolutely horrible at wrapping them. He ended up wrapping each item individually, then slowing wrapping two items together, then two boxes of two, and so on until all of the items were wrapped together in one huge heap.

When Alex finally finished, and it had taken a while, Alex decided to turn on his phone and play some music. That's when he noticed the date. October 27. John's birthday was tomorrow, and Alex thanked the Lord that he got to the store in time. The only problem was that Alexander would have to write a card for John, too. So naturally, he stayed up until 2 doing so. By the time Alex finally went to sleep, however, he was happy with how his gift had come together.

The next day Alex drove to John's apartment for the birthday party. It wasn't a huge gathering, but just knowing all of the people that had been invited, it surely wasn't something anybody would want to miss. Alex was the fourth one there, after the three Schuyler sisters. All of them gawked at Alexander's huge package, but Alexander assured them it wasn't as big as it looked.

Once everybody had gotten there and they had eaten cake, red velvet with cream cheese frosting, it was time to open gifts. John decided to open Alexander's last because of it's sheer mass, and how long it would probably take to open it. He started with the Schyulers.

Eliza knitted him a sweater. It was a very Eliza thing to do, and was probably the softest material you could possibly imagine. Next was Peggy, who got him a mug with a rainbow on it reading "Good Morning, I'm Gay." Once again, a very Peggy thing to do, even though she hadn't been able to come out when Lafayette had wanted her to, due to James getting the flu and nobody having the time or energy to get together anywhere else. Finally was Angelica, who got John a book. Alex didn't quite take note of what the book was, but was pretty sure it was by one of John's favorite authors.

Next came Hercules and Lafayette, who got a joint gift. It was just an envelope and card, with $100 inside and, to John's embarrassment, a few condoms. Everybody in the room laughed hysterically, including John and Alex. Then it was Thomas's gift, who was invited despite immense protest from Alexander. The gift was unexpected, though.

It was nail polish.

"Um... in college, I was always a jerk when you wore it... I just, wanted to apologize with this..." Thomas explained. John thanked him sincerely, and then moved on to Alexander's. He started with the letter, reading it to himself

Cold in my professions, warm in my friendships, I wish, my Dear Laurens, it might be in my power, by action rather than words, to convince you that I love you. I shall only tell you that 'till you bade us Adieu, I hardly knew the value you had taught my heart to set upon you. Indeed, my friend, it was not well done. You know the opinion I entertain of mankind, and how much it is my desire to preserve myself free from particular attachments, and to keep my happiness independent on the caprice of others. You should not have taken advantage of my sensibility to steal into my affections without my consent. But as you have done it and as we are generally indulgent to those we love, I shall not scruple to pardon the fraud you have committed, on condition that for my sake, if not for your own, you will always continue to merit the partiality, which you have so artfully instilled into me. I sincerely desire for you to luxuriate in the gifts I bestow to you this October 28.

Yours for ever.

A. Hamilton

After reading the heartfelt letter, John got into the gift. After taking ages to actually get to one item, John stopped dead. He put a hand to his mouth and looked at Alexander, who smiled and nodded at him, as though requesting for him to continue. John one by one opened each of the different packages, trying not to cry the entire time. When he finally finished, John pretty much tackle-hugged Alex.

"I don't know how you knew," John said. "But I'm really glad you did." Alex chuckled and hugged his boyfriend back, thankful that his gift had been a success.

Y'all should go check out my new story "Summer Nights", it's about all of the nerds in this story but they're teenagers at a summer camp!! and it's lams, so if you're reading this story, then you shouldn't have a problem with that one ;)

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