Chapitre Soixante Trois

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Alex was back at school on Tuesday, despite much protesting from John. He was, however, forced to keep a can of ginger ale at his desk at all times.

"Just in case you start to feel sick, again," John had said.

Alex looked around at the mess on his desk and sighed. He was normally very organized, but after moving he found it difficult to keep up with everything. He was about to start rearranging his desk when he got a knock at the door from a surprising face.

"Hey, Washington. What're you doing here?" Alex asked, slightly glad that he can postpone dealing with the chaos that is his desk.

"Just wanted to see if you were feeling better," George answered, looking around the room. Alex smiled a little.

"Yeah, I guess. I have mandatory ginger ale, though. Boyfriend's orders," Alex joked, holding up the unopened can. George smiled.

"So.. are either of you planning on popping a ring anytime soon?" Washington asked curiously. Alex shrugged.

"I'm probably not, but I'm not sure about John," Alex said. His heart fluttered a little at the thought of getting married, especially to John. He knew marriage was something they had talked about, and something they wanted eventually. They just never specifically decided when. George nodded.

"That's understandable. I was must wondering. Anyways, have a good day. If you feel sick at any point today, just tell me and you can go home," George smiled and left the room. Alex had to admit, he wasn't completely sure what the point of that conversation was, but he simply shrugged it off. He had definitely had much stranger conversations with his boss.

Later in the day, after work, Alex decided to call his father. He normally did so towards the end of the week, but he felt like doing it now. It's not like there was anything stopping him from calling a second time later in the week. Alex dialed, flopping down on the, ridiculously comfortable, couch in the living room. His dad picked up almost immediately, and they got into one of the random, long conversations that they always seemed to have.

"Yeah, I was pretty sick just yesterday, actually. John sort of nursed me back to health, though," Alex told his father. He heard a 'hmph' from the other line. "What?" Alex asked his dad.

"When are you gonna get married already?" Alex's father asked. Alex nearly choked on his own spit.

"That's the second time today," Alex said, caught between amusement and confusion.

"What was that, Alex?" his father asked. Alex breathed out.

"That's the second time today that I've been asked about marriage and proposals and stuff," Alex told his dad. "Um, anyways, I'm not planning on proposing, but I don't know if John is or not," he answered.

"Would you say yes if he did pop the question?" Alex could feel his cheeks heat up and praised the lord that this was a phone call, ensuring his father would not see the mild blush on his cheeks.

"Well... I would probably say yes," Alex answered. He heard a quiet squeal from his father and smiled a little. This would be a fun rest of the conversation.

Is this chapter decent? I hope so. This bad boy is ending on chapter 65, and them imma probably make a sequel that i'll update not as often, and just kinda whenever i feel like writing it, so stay tuned for more info on that

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