Chapitre Quarante

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Ignore the bold text in the middle of the story if you haven't finished harry potter thx

"Hey, Jefferson, did you ever ask you boyfriend if we can have Friday night at your place?" Alex asked. He didn't find Thomas quite so unbearable, but he didn't enjoy calling him by his first name. Thomas nodded.

"Yeah, Je... I mean James, said he was excited to meet y'all," Thomas said. Alex looked at him confusedly.

"Wait a second... what did you almost call him?" Alex questioned as his eyebrows raised and the hints of a smile danced on the corners of his mouth. Thomas looked away blushing and muttered something under his breath. "What was that?" Alex asked.

"It's just a stupid pet name," Thomas said, in an almost pouting tone.

"And that pet name is what?" Thomas sighed, clearly not in the mood to deal with Alex today.

"Jemmy..." Thomas said quietly. Alex didn't know whether he should laugh or gush over the name.

"That is actually the best thing I have ever heard in my entire life," Alex stated, his voice dead serious. (Just like the fifth Harry Potter book)

Thomas rolled his eyes. "Anyways, he has a bit of a cold, but I haven't caught it, and I don't think it's contagious," he told the shorter man. Alex shrugged.

"Eh, I'm not too worried about it," Alex assured him. Even if he put up a tough front, Alex could tell Thomas was nervous to have everybody meet him. Alex couldn't blame him. This James sounded pretty frail, and Thomas seemed like the type of person to get protective.

"Can I ask you something, Alex?" Thomas asked. Alexander looked unsure as to whether he should say yes. "It's not too bad. I mean, honestly, what horrible things could I ask in the fucking teacher's lounge?"

"Fair point," Alex noted. "Ask away."

"What had John told you about me before I had come to this school? I know it was bad... I'm not going to defend myself. I just feel bad, and I want to know how I hurt him, I want to know how I can make it better," Thomas trailed off. Alex inhaled.

"Well... let's just say you really messed him up. I didn't find out until I found his nail polish, and he explained why wearing it freaked him out. He didn't... no, he still kind of doesn't like PDA. He's really insecure about others knowing he's gay, and he worries about it a LOT," Alex finished. Thomas looked horrified.

"I really do feel horrible. You know that, right?" Thomas asked. Alex shrugged.

"I'll take your word for it. I think when he said he forgave you he genuinely did. I think he's just kind of wary that you're not going to start being homophobic or anything again," Alex informed him. Thomas's stomach dropped. He would think of how to make it up to him.

"How long have you two been together?" Thomas asked.

"Hm.. it's October, right? That means around 7 months, I think," Alex told him. Thomas nodded with respect. "I know what the day is, but don't feel like doing all of the math to figure out how long." Thomas chuckled.

"I think I have to get back to my classroom," Thomas said, getting up. "Talk to you later, Alexander." As much as he hated to admit it, Alex was starting to warm up to Jefferson. Maybe even... become his friend?

I was busy all of yesterday and I couldn't update I'm sorry. I will try to update everyday, but not Wednesdays, unless it's really late, because I'm really busy on Wednesdays. Also, I'm nervous, because I'm getting highlights for the first time on Monday so wish me good luck, and pray that they look good, lmao

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