3. Opening Up

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My alarm blares the next morning, waking me out of my sound slumber. I can immediately tell that I fell asleep crying because my cheeks have dried tears on them and my nose is stuffed. If it weren't only day two, I'd call in.

I climb out of bed and head towards my bathroom to take a shower. I strip down and climb in, allowing the water to wash over me in an attempt to wake me up for what I knew was going to be another excruciatingly long day.

Once I'm done in the shower I walk back into my room to change and upon opening my closet I decide to wear a romper today. It was a cute option and they were easy to move in. I change and throw my hair up in a ponytail, deciding that I would wear my hair like this the rest of camp to try and deter any future glitter incidents.

I take a seat at my vanity and stare at all the makeup surrounding me before looking up at my reflection. My little breakout had shrunk to practically nonexistent but my eyes looked horrendous from falling asleep while crying. I was thankful that I actually had time to do my makeup this morning.

"Emma" my mom knocks, letting herself in. "Hey baby girl" she smiles. "You never came back down last night."

"Yea I fell asleep" I reply shortly.

"Oh. Long day?" she asks.


"Did you at least have some fun?" she asks as she sits down on the edge of my bed across from me.

"I guess" I shrug.

"Okay" she says with a defeated sigh and suddenly I realize that she actually wants to hear about my day. I'm taken back and a wave of guilt rushes over me. "Well have a good d-."

"Hey mom" I stop her, turning around to stop her.

"Yea sweetheart?" she asks, seemingly shocked that I stopped her.

"Do you remember Dylan?"

Hey eyebrows shoot up and she sits back down on the bed. "Baker? Drew's son?"

"Mhm" I hum.

"Of course I remember him baby girl" she nods. "Why would you ask that?" I bring my bottom lip between my teeth, nervous about telling me mom that Dylan is back. I knew how Callie brought out my mom's insecurities. "Emma sweetheart what's going on?"

"Promise that you won't tell dad?"

"Oh god" she says. "Emma what happened?"

"No nothing" I insist, shaking my head. "He's back." Her eyes widen and her lips part in shock. I seem to have rendered her speechless. "Mom. You alright?"

"You've talked to him?"

"Um" I stutter, turning back around.

"Oh Emma" she sighs. "Please tell me you didn't do anything with this boy."

"We made out" I shrug. "It was before I knew who he was."

"Emma I really wish that you'd stop throwing yourself around like that" she says disappointedly and just like that I know my real mother has re-inhibited her body.

"Yea well it happened. Just don't tell dad okay? I have to get going" I add as I finish off my makeup and stand up, grabbing my phone.


"Mom I'm gonna be late" I cut her off as I rush out of the room and skip down the steps to head for my car. I climb in and head off towards the camp, changing the radio station to pop and singing along to some of the songs of the summer.

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