18. Impending Doom

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The only downside of calling in on Monday is that then Tuesday feels like a Monday. When my alarm clock goes off I honestly debate whether or not I should actually get up or just throw the thing at the wall. I groan, leaning over to grab it.

I turn it off and sit up, running my fingers through my hair as a yawn tumbles from my lips. The last thing I wanted to do was be up this early when my bed was so comfortable. "Emmy are you going in today?" my mom asks as she knocks on my door.

"Yea mom. I'll be down in a sec" I add as I climb out of bed and pad across the floor. The only thing that was motivating me to get moving was that I was that much closer to getting to spend time with Dylan.

I trudge down the steps and head into the kitchen where my dad is stealing bacon from the skillet while my mom playfully smacks his hand away. "Baby stop" she laughs making a smile tug at my lips. My parents were still nauseatingly adorable.

"Morning" I murmur. My dad looks towards me with a bright grin.

"Hi sweetheart. Feeling better?" I look at him on confusion while Emery pipes up from her spot on a bar stool at the counter.

"You know, because you had a stomachache yesterday" she says. This was one of those moments where you realize just how lucky you are to have a sibling who's always there for you.

I smile. "Right. Yea I'm feeling much better. Ready to throw myself back into work" I add as I take a seat beside my little sister. My mom slides my breakfast towards me and I dig in while my dad eyes my cell phone skeptically.

"Everything okay with you and Dylan?" he asks causing my eyebrows to furrow in confusion.

"Yea, why wouldn't they be" I reply. He motions to my phone.

"He isn't blowing that thing up this morning" he replies making me chuckle. I suppose most mornings we really did spend more than an average amount of time texting each other. It made it hard to believe that his mom had yet to catch on.

"He uh he got grounded because he was out late on Friday" I explain.

"Oh" my mom replies, sharing a look with my father. "Should we have grounded you? I mean, you behaved right? You didn't get drunk or make any life changing choices?"

I bring my bottom lip between my teeth. I wouldn't consider hooking up with my boyfriend to be life changing seeing as though I had already hooked up with someone before and we didn't have sex so-.

"I behaved" I reply simply, taking a swig of my milk. "And as delicious as this breakfast is I should probably get ready for work."

"Okay. Just remember we're always here to talk" my mom reminds me and I smile as I stand up to kiss her cheek.

"I know mama. Love you" I add before heading upstairs to get ready for work.


Dylan's POV

Breakfasts with mom are weird without the barrier of my cell phone. I don't know how people actually used to have meals together without the distraction of social media. She keeps looking at me as if I should say something while I just sit here wondering when I'll finally be set free. "So, how's that girl you have a crush on?" she asks and I bite my lip.

I wanted to tell my mom about Emma but I knew it would end horribly and I honestly wasn't sure I could make it through losing Emma. I run my fingers over the bracelets in my wrist and think of the caring way Emma's fingers traced my scars. I always thought that when a girl would see my scars they would run for the hills but Emma did the exact opposite and it made me fall that much harder for her.

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