14. Whistle Blowing

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Waking up the next morning I'm reluctant to go to work before I look at my phone and find a text from my boyfriend telling me that the group is meeting at the pier before our shifts. I could only pray that Kyle and Rachel didn't realize that we spent our weekdays there too, not just our weekends.

I climb out of bed and quickly change into a pair of pink shorts and a lace tank top before throwing my hair up in a ponytail and heading downstairs to the kitchen where my family seem to be enjoying a fabulous meal of Pop-Tarts and cereal. "Grocery day?" I ask teasingly as I grab a pack of strawberry Pop-Tarts from the box.

My dad nods as he shovels a spoonful of Frosted Flakes into his mouth. "We'll be back to eggs and bacon tomorrow."

"Good" Caden snips as he forces his chocolate Pop-Tart down his throat. My little brother was the definition of a picky eater meaning my parents almost always had to have four course meals in the house if they expected to please him.

"Relax little bro" I reply. "Kids in some countries don't even get food. Be grateful" I smile, leaning down and planting a kiss to the top of his head.

"I like Pop-Tarts" Emery interjects as she stuffs the last bite of her second pastry into her mouth. "Can I have yours?" she asks making me laugh as I reach forward to ruffle her hair.

"Sorry sweetie but these are mine" I reply, an apologetic tinge to my tone. "Momma and daddy will pick you up some more" I add before turning to face my parents. "I'm heading out now but I'll be home for dinner so please wait up."

My dad chuckles. "Words I never thought we'd hear coming from a teenager's mouth" he teases. I roll my eyes as I lean forward and kiss his cheek.

"You're hilarious dad. Love you" I murmur as we pull apart.

"Love you too kiddo" he says lovingly while I hug my mom goodbye. Finally I turn on my heels and rush towards the door, barreling out of the house and rushing towards my car.

It only takes about eight minutes to get to work and a smile tugs at my lips as I take notice of the familiar cars waiting in the parking lot. I quickly throw my car into park and rush out to the pier where Lily is currently sitting on Julian's lap and my boyfriend is doing laps in the lake. "Morning" I greet them, walking out onto the pier under the early morning sun.

"Sleeping beauty is here" Julian smiles. "Good morning" he adds sweetly. I give him a gracious smile before leaning against the post and looking out at the water.

"What are you doing babe?" I ask curiously.

He stands straight up and pushes his hair back causing the muscles in his arms to strain and I can't help but bring my bottom lip between my teeth. My boyfriend was hot as hell. "Just going for a dip. Are those Pop-Tarts?" he asks excitedly as he points to the package in my hand. I chuckle, looking down at them and nodding.

"They are but may I add how hurt I am that you almost seem more excited to see them than me" I tease. He rolls his eyes, climbing out of the water and shaking out his hair causing droplets to fall onto me. I squeal making him laugh as he stands up and our eyes lock.

"As much as I enjoy toaster pastries they could never compare to you babe" he says smoothly before leaning in and pressing his lips to mine. I kiss him back and allow it to linger until Lily yells for us to stop while Julian whistles in the background. I giggle as we pull apart, sucking my bottom lip into my mouth.

"I suppose I can share" I murmur.

"Is suppose getting a room may be a good idea" Lily interjects causing a blush to rise on my cheeks at the mere suggestion of intimacy. Dylan snickers, turning his attention towards my best friend.

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