19. The Girl

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I stand in front of the mirror looking at my outfit for the millionth time this morning. I had decided to wear a simple, orange strapless sun dress and a pair of strappy sandals. My hair was up in a high ponytail and while I thought that I looked good enough to tell Callie that I was dating her son, I knew deep down that my outfit didn't matter.

Callie hated me and a good impression won't change that.

A knock sounds on my door and while I expect it to be my mom instead my boyfriend waltzes in. "Your mom let me in. She said your pacing up here is driving them nuts downstairs." I look down at my feet in embarrassment.

I forgot about the creaky floorboards.

"Babe, everything is going to be fine" he insists, wrapping his arms around my waist. "No matter what happens today I'm not going anywhere."

I sigh, linking my arms around his neck. "You say that now but-." He cuts me off by pressing his lips to mine and I can't help but kiss him back. My worry begins to flow away as he deepens the kiss and I wish we could just stay here and do this all day. "We should get going" he murmurs softly as we pull apart.

I nod in agreement. "I suppose we should."

He takes my hand and the two of us head downstairs where my parents are both standing behind the counter looking between us worriedly. "Are you both really sure this a good idea?" my mom begins. "We know she doesn't like you sweetheart."

"Yes but we have to show her that her feelings towards me don't change a thing. Right?" I ask, looking towards Dylan. He nods his head.

"We just want to stop sneaking around and I want everyone to know that I'm crazy about her."

I beam at him, falling in love with him that much more. "Well good luck" my dad sighs. "I'm here if you need a getaway driver" he adds and I chuckle as Dylan grabs the door and the two of us head out.


We stop in front of his house and I release a deep sigh. "This is going to be a disaster" I murmur. Dylan takes my hand and brings it to his lips.

"It will be okay" he assures me before leaning across the console and giving me a proper kiss on the lips. "Let's go inside."

I nod, following him out of the car and starting the trek to his front door. My heart beats out of my chest and I feel myself getting nauseous. There was no way that this was going to go well. This woman wasn't logical; she convinced my father he was Dylan's dad because she felt ashamed of herself for cheating. It had already been over sixteen years since then and she had yet to drop it so I doubted that her son's love story was going to change her mind.

Dylan opens the door and immediately I'm met with the smell of an Italian restaurant. Dylan smiles. "Italian is my favorite."

"Maybe we should honeymoon in Italy" I reply boldly and he chuckles.

"Who said I was putting a ring on your finger?"

I shrug. "Maybe it's just a vibe I get from you."

He laughs. "Someday sweetheart."

"Is that my son I hear?" Callie asks as she appears from the kitchen. Her face is broken out into a grin until her eyes land on me. Quickly, her grin turns downward to a frown and she looks angry. "What is she doing here?" she demands, wiping her hands on her apron.

Dylan squeezes my hand before letting it go and carefully approaching his mom. "Mom we would really appreciate it if you'd just hear us out."

She scoffs. "Us? You're an us with Emma Matthews? The one girl that J told you to stay away from-."

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