17. Sneaking Around

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The weekend passes slowly since Dylan had to spend the entire time at camp for his weekend and I end up spending my time watching Netflix with Emery. We watch The Kissing Booth three times and then she convinces me to start watching Heartland with her since she's quite literally obsessed with horses at the moment which leads up to Monday morning. I know I'm supposed to be going to work but she started watching the season one finale and I can't seem to tear my eyes away from the screen.

"Emma you're going to be late" my dad scolds, walking into the room causing my sister and I turn back towards him, violently shushing him. He quirks an eyebrow at us and walks out of the room, leaving us to finish the episode alone in peace and quiet.

Both my sister and I squeal with excitement when the two character finally lock lips and we both fall into a deep depression as the episode comes to an end. "Do you have to go to work?" Emery whines and I sigh, bringing my lip between my teeth. It had been such a long time since I just spent the day with one of my siblings. My parents said that when they were born I never let them out of my sight but as I got older I grew further and further away from them until we harshly saw each other.


"Call in sick" my mom interjects causing me to quirk an eyebrow at her as she appears behind the couch. "It's one day and you can invite Dylan over for dinner if he misses you that much" she smirks making me chuckle. My mom knew me too well...even though I still had yet to share with anyone besides Lily that we had rounded a few bases the other night. I planned to tell my mom but I just hadn't found the time...or the right words.

"You sure?" I ask worriedly. "What if I get fired?" I press and she rolls her eyes.

"Sweetheart you're being ridiculous" she insists. "Just call in and text your boyfriend" she smirks before walking out of the room. My cheeks turn bright red and my sister giggles as she gauges my reaction.

"You're more in love with Dylan than Amy is with Ty" she says, referencing our show. I gape at her and she laughs even harder as she presses next episode.

"Pause that" I instruct as I stand up and dial Meg's number. She picks up on the third ring.

"Megan Reynolds" she answers and I roll my eyes. Why the hell was she so formal on her cell phone? Who did she expect calls from? The President?

"Meg it's Emma" I tell her. "I got a horrible case of food poisoning from dinner last night and I really don't think it's a good idea for me to come in. Heat is only going to make my nausea worse and the room is spinning as it is."

She sighs. "Are you serious? I'm already short-staffed after Baker called in" she explains and my eyes widen. Why was Dylan calling in?

"I'm really sorry Meg. I promise I'll be back tomorrow" I assure her. She sighs.

"Yea okay whatever. Hope you feel better" she says before hanging up the phone. I end the call and look at my phone confusedly. I had no idea why my boyfriend would be calling in today or better yet, why he didn't text me to tell me that he wasn't going to work today. I was planning to text him as soon as I called in but apparently he didn't plan on letting me know what was going on with him.

"Sis" Emery says, walking towards me. "Is everything okay?" she asks worriedly and I sigh.

"It's Dylan" I explain. "He called into work today and I don't know why" I add and she quirks an eyebrow at me. Sometimes it was hard to remember that my brother and sister weren't that much older than me. They were both ten years old and as such my sister certainly understood my boy drama.

"Did you call him?" I shake my head as she leans against the wall. "And he didn't call you" she adds and again I shake my head. "What do you think is going on?" she asks and I shrug.

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