39. Happiness Begins

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Going to breakfast and not seeing Dylan already there waiting for me is a shock I was evidently unprepared for, but my parents were. My mom is quick to stop her conversation with my dad and sister and instead turn her attention onto me, a bright smile taking over her face. "Morning sweetie. I made pancakes otherwise there's cereal or oatmeal-."

"Mom." Despite the aching of my heart, a smile still tugs at my lips. The effort on her part was much appreciated and something that I could thank Dylan for. Without him who knows where I'd be right now; perhaps in the same place as him. He'd saved me from the dark path he was too far down to turn back from and there would never be enough words in any language that would get across how thankful I was to him. "Pancakes sound great." And they really did. Especially my mom's pancakes that had strawberries embedded into the batter. It was like having strawberry shortcake for breakfast.

I take my seat beside Emery while my parents return to their small talk and unlike normally, my sister turns to talk to me. "Are you okay?" I'd learned from Dylan that my sister evidently paid way more attention to me than I thought. In ways she knew me better than a lot of people.

"I've been better" I confess, offering her a sad smile. She nods in understanding. "How're you though?"

Her eyes alight with confusion, as if she hadn't been expecting me to ask her about herself. Maybe because I never cared to ask before.

I spent so long blaming my siblings for the lack of attention from my parents but it wasn't their fault. They hadn't asked to be born. All they had asked for was love from their big sister, the one person that was supposed to care and look out for them and so far, I'd failed epically. "I-I'm okay."

"Yea? How's school? Any cute boys catching your eye?" Her cheeks turn a bright red color, a sure sign that there was indeed someone and it makes me excited. She may only be eleven but first crushes were a part of life and I'd make sure that her's was worth her time unlike mine who wasn't worth anything. "Does he have a name?" I press, taking another savory bite of my breakfast.

Her eyes dart to mom and dad who, though appear to not me listening, totally are. I nod my head in understanding. "We'll talk about it later." I whisper. A nervous chuckle falls from her lips and she asks to be excused before skittering away down the wall. "Do you guys know anything about that?" I ask my parents, getting up to get something to drink.

"Nope. But it's sweet to see you both getting along" my mom adds, a warm smile on her face.

I had wanted siblings so badly when I was younger that I'm sure my parents never thought my relationship with them would become so estranged but I could tell that the effort I was making now had made them really happy.

And me too.

Caden flies into the kitchen not too long after I've sat back down but unlike my sister, he's not here to chat. In fact, he has a pair of gaming headphones on and is rushing towards the fridge. "Caden. No gaming in the kitchen." My father scolds, rolling his eyes because my brother's been told this a billion times.

"I'm just getting breakfast." Caden replies, grabbing a GoGurt and leaving, muttering something into his headset. My mom shakes her head though her loving smile remains.

"Remind me why we thought allowing him to have a gaming system in his room was a good idea?"

My dad chuckles. "It's the end of summer break. Let him live a little." He pecks my mom's lips, assuring her he'd return after checking on Noah which leaves me and mom alone.

"Enjoy your breakfast?" She asks after I take the last bite. I nod. "Good. I'm glad." I swear I haven't seen my mom smile this much in a long time. "So, do you wanna drive yourself to see Dylan today or would you like your dad or I to take you?" She asks, grabbing my plate and putting it into the sink.

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