26. Family Ties

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The only upside to Dylan sleeping on the couch in the living room was that he wouldn't think I was awake until I left my room and came downstairs which meant that I could have a little time to myself in the morning to do some research. 

After Dylan had left my room last night I had stayed up until I heard my mom come upstairs to go to bed and I ambushed her to talk. It was kind of crazy how we had gone from never talking about anything to talking about everything. 

"Mom" I whisper-shout across the hallway. She looks back at me and comes to join me at my door. "Can we talk for a second?" I ask her hopefully. She looks towards downstairs and raises an eyebrow at me. 

"Is is about Dylan?" 

"Kinda" I shrug. "Can we talk?" I repeat and she nods, walking into my room as I move out of her way. I close the door behind her and take a seat on the bed beside her. "I wanna talk about Dylan's family" I explain. She raises an eyebrow at me. 

"I assume you're talking about Drew's family rather than Callie's" she guesses, biting into her lower lip. "That situation is very complicated sweetheart."

"But why?" I ask confusedly. "It was revealed so early on that Andrew was his father-."

"To us" she clarifies. "Callie owned up to her cheating to us and that was only after her lies failed to keep your father and I apart. I honestly don't know if she even ever told anyone in Drew's family that he was a father."

"What about at Drew's funeral? They were together when he died-."

"I didn't say they didn't know about Callie" she argues. "And they knew Dylan existed but I'm not sure they ever knew he was Drew's blood." She releases a deep sigh. "A part of me has to believe that they don't know he's their family because otherwise I will never understand why they aren't in touch with him. I knew Drew and I have to believe that a family that raised a man as amazing as him couldn't abandon anyone."

I nod in understanding, glancing over at my laptop on my desk. "Do you think they'd take him in if Callie lost custody?"

Her eyes widen in surprise. "That's why you're asking about them? Oh honey you do not need to get in the middle of a custody battle."

"Too late" I reply. "I'm in love with him, mom. His fight is my fight." She smiles, leaning forward and pulling me in for a hug. 

"Okay but please be careful and keep me updated on what you find and please" she pauses, pulling back to look at me. "Do not take anything to your aunt without bringing it to me first. Understand?" I nod in agreement and she releases a deep sigh. "Good. Now, get some sleep."

Since I woke up I'd been glued to my laptop, trying to find anyone from Dylan's family and so far I had stumbled upon two people, both of which appeared to maybe be cousins.

"It would be so much easier if they wouldn't have deactivated his Facebook" I murmur to myself as a knock sounds on the door. "Come in" I shout, closing my laptop as the door opens to reveal my boyfriend on the other side. "Hey babe" I smile brightly. "What's up?"

"Uh just wanted to see if you were really still asleep" he replies, walking in and closing the door. "What are you up to?" he asks, taking a seat on my bed and tapping my laptop. 

"Research" I shrug. "I'm a very curious girl."

"Hm" he hums. "Whatever you say beautiful" he adds, seemingly dropping the subject. "I was also coming to ask you if you'd come and do something with me today."

"Okay" I reply, hugging my knees to my chest. "What do you want to do?" I ask curiously. 

He releases a deep breath, looking towards me nervously. Whatever it was that he wanted to ask me to do must've been serious. "I want to go see my dad." My eyes widen. I had never visited a grave site before and the idea kind of freaked me out a little bit but I could tell from the vulnerable look in his eyes that he really wanted me to go with him and I couldn't deny him. 

"Okay" I agree. "I'll go with you."

"Yea?" he asks, his face softening. "You don't have to-."

"Dyl. I want to go" I rephrase, placing my hand over his. "When are we leaving?"


The cemetery is huge and I'm glad that Dylan seems to know where we're going since I'm literally lost in a maze of graves. Finally, we stumble upon his father's grave and Dylan stops in front of it, staring at it without saying a word. 

I read the headstone and my heart drops as I read the descriptors. Son. Brother. Friend. There wasn't a word about him being a father. "I've asked my mom a billion times why is says nothing about him being a father and she doesn't have an answer that doesn't make me want to scream. She always tells me how much his family hated her and how they'd never accept me-." He trails off, wiping at his eyes. "They don't know I'm his son."

"Your family" I guess and he nods. I place my hand on his shoulder. "So, you've met them?"

"When I was young and he was still alive. She spun some story about a one night stand" he explains, shaking his head. "The one thing I still don't understand if how he went along with it."

"Well, he was sick babe. He probably didn't even realize what was really going on. I know he loved you Dylan and I know you know that too."

"It's just not fair. She kept me from my family-."

"And she'll pay for that" I reply, causing him to turn to face me. "This can help your case Dylan. She kept your family from you because she knew they were competition for her. They knew they could take you away from her and she wasn't going to let that happen."

"But how will it help my case unless there's an actual relative that's willing to take me in?" he asks confusedly and I smile softly, stepping towards him. 

"Because, I'm going to help you find your family" I reveal. His eyebrows furrow in confusion and I smile as I take his hand in mine. "Dylan, we're going to find someone to take you in. We're gonna win this." His lips quirk into a smile as he pulls me into his embrace, leaning down to kiss me. 

"You're something else Matthews" he murmurs as we pull apart and I chuckle, nodding my head. 

"I've heard that once or twice" I concede. "But what can I say, I'd do anything for the people I love."

His smile broadens as he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. "I love you too Ems."

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