1. Beach Boy

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My alarm blares on Monday morning and I groan, burying my head in my pillow. I really needed to start saving up for university and the small, responsible part of my brain is telling me to get out of bed right now for that exact reason but the party girl in me already misses her bed.

"Kiddo" my dad knocks softly. "It's time to get up."

"I'm up" I shout back. He seems to be content with my response because I hear him padding off down the hallway. I sigh, sitting up and pushing back my hair off my forehead. The last thing I wanted to do was go to work today.

I climb out of bed and walk over to my closet to find something to wear. If I were being smart I'd realize that wearing anything that shows too much skin is going to make me a prime target for mosquitos but I can't think logically.

I pull out a tank top that leaves little to the imagination before slipping into a pair of shorts that are actually a bit longer than the ones I usually wear. I sit down to get ready to do my makeup when my phone buzzes with an incoming call from Lily.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Are you picking me up today?" she asks. I roll my eyes. Of course Aiden was supposed to be taking her today but I'm sure that after their weekend locked in his bedroom he had said something stupid that had pissed her off.

"What'd he say this time?"

"He's just an ass. Can you pick me up or not?"

I sigh, nodding my head. Picking her up would mean I'd have to leave in ten minutes which means I can't do my makeup or my hair. "Yea I'll be there" I assure her before hanging up my phone and tossing it onto my vanity. "Dammit" I mutter, staring at myself in mirror. I take notice of the bags under my eyes and the small breakout I was experiencing on my cheekbone. Without makeup there was no way to cover any of this up.

I quickly reach for my concealer and apply it where I need it but it won't blend the way I want. "Ugh" I exclaim, tossing the compact down onto the vanity in frustration.

"Emma" my mom knocks.

"What?" I snap as she pushes open my door.

"You sound upset baby girl. You alright?"

"Lovely" I grumble, grabbing my phone and standing up. "I have to pick Lily up so I should go-."

"Wait" she stops me, staring at my face. "You look different today sweetie."

"Gee thanks mom" I roll my eyes. "How very observant. Can I go now?"

She actually seems like she wants to say something else but of course she's still my mother so instead she simply gives in. "Yea" she nods, bowing her head. "Have a good first day."

"I wouldn't count on it" I argue, rushing towards the steps and taking them two at a time.

"Mom says you shouldn't do that" Caden says as I reach the foyer.

Caden was one of three siblings I had. My mom got pregnant when I was five with Caden and my little sister Emery before getting herself knocked up again just a few years ago with my baby brother Noah.

"Do I look like I care?" I ask my annoying little brother. Apparently I begged my parents for a sibling before the twins were born. Careful what you wish for I guess.

It's not that I don't love them, because I do. I just wish my parents paid half as much attention to me as they do my other three siblings. It's like I was first and they had a good five or so years with me before they got new kids and lost interest in me.

"I'm just trying to keep you out of trouble Ems" he sighs.

I smile, reaching forward and ruffling my brother's hair. "I know. I'm sorry. Have a good day alright? Enjoy your summer while you still can."

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