9. The Return of Lily

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When my alarm goes off the next morning I spring out of bed, eager to start today. I couldn't remember a time I was so excited to go to work but going to work meant seeing Dylan. I decide to pass on a shower this morning since I'll probably just end up in the lake at some point and instead head over to my dresser to grab a swimsuit.

Going through the various bikinis was a difficult task as I was already critiquing everything about how my body would look in them but I remind myself that Dylan has already seen me in my underwear and that's practically the same thing. I take a deep breath and pull out a bright red bikini and slip into it. I go over to my mirror and turn around, checking every inch of my body meticulously.

"Emma, breakfast!" my mom shouts from downstairs. I sigh, looking in the mirror. I certainly wasn't crazy about how much skin the top showed off but it would have to do.

I reach back into my dresser and pull out a pair of jean shorts, yanking them up over the bikini bottoms before turning towards my closet and grabbing a white, off the shoulder top. Once I'm fully dressed I take one last look in the mirror and I'm surprised to find that I don't actually loathe the outfit.

With one final look I turn on my heels, grab my phone from my nightstand and head downstairs where my family is already gathered. "Morning" I greet them.

"Oh morning baby girl" my mom giggles as she swats my father's hand away from her plate. "You look nice today."

"A little too nice" my dad grumbles. "You know, I know I said that I was okay with this whole dating thing-."

"Nope. No backsies" I insist, sounding like a five year old who just traded a Barbie doll with my best friend and then got upset when she tried to trade back.

"No backsies" Noah repeats and we all share a laugh as we look at my little brother.

"That's right kiddo" I confirm as I kiss him on top of the head. "Seriously though. You don't have to worry so much. Dylan is respectful and patient with me. If a father had to pick a boy for their daughter to be with I'm pretty sure there would be a waiting list about a mile long for Dylan."

"Are you his first girlfriend?" my mom asks curiously as she slides a plate across the counter towards me. I stiffen at the mention of his ex. I still couldn't believe that she could've done something like that to him.

I shake my head solemnly. "Uh no actually. He uh he's had one other girlfriend."

"What happened?" my dad presses and I sigh, shoveling a mouthful of food into my mouth to try and delay the inevitable conversation we were about to have.

I reach forward for my juice before looking towards Caden and Emery. "Uh can I have a sec with mom and dad?" I ask curiously. Emery looks like she's about to protest but Caden grabs her hand and shoots her a look, silently pleading with her not to argue.

"Fine" she huffs, grabbing her plate and walking out of the room with Caden. I turn back to my parents and press my lips together in a fine line as I push my food away.

"Kiddo what is it?"

I take a deep breath and lean forward on the counter. "Dylan's been bullied most of his life. He never really fit in anywhere so people picked on him. For a while he didn't let it get to him but little by little it started to chip away at him until he became depressed and-and he" I start tearing up and take another deep breath as I sit up straight and try to even out my breathing. "He started harming himself and a couple months ago he-he hurt himself really bad and-and he ended up in the hospital on suicide watch. After that they moved here."

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