38. Anxious Reunions

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Family reunions are supposed to be fun. They're supposed to be a chance to see the family that you don't often get to spend time with and you're supposed to enjoy yourself. Unfortunately, what actually ends up happening is the family as a whole splits into cliques much like those of high schools and you actually just end up spending more time with the people you normally see.

Five minutes into the reunion of Dylan's family and it's obvious that this is exactly what's happening here. And Dylan is the newbie who doesn't know where to sit. "Well, Drew's family is much larger than I thought." I look towards my father who awkwardly stuffs his hands into his jean shorts while his eyes survey the large backyard.

I didn't know whose house we were at but it was spacious...like a damn mansion, spacious. The backyard was huge, complete with a full patio and a pool where the people around our age seemed to be congregating. Out of the corner of my eye I watch Dylan pull down the sleeve of his shirt because despite the heat of the day, he had chosen to wear a white long-sleeve that would hide the scars on his wrist that he wasn't quite ready to explain.

I take his hand soundlessly and he repays me with a soft smile.

He had gone all week keeping his promise to me and it hadn't gone unnoticed. I knew he was still struggling but the fact that he chose to focus on me and the good things he had in his life, it meant the world to me. I knew I wouldn't survive without him. "Maybe we should go find your cousin-."

Of course, as soon as my mother makes the suggestion, the woman herself crawls out of the woodwork making her way towards us. Her husband had his arm around her waist, both of them dressed for the weather in shorts and tank tops. Of course, her outfit was a bit more stylish, a pair of barely there white shorts and a pink tank top that had had an intricate back pattern while he just had on khaki shorts, a white tank and a pair of sunglasses. They looked adorable together nonetheless.

"Dylan. So glad you guys could make it!" She exclaims, stepping into our space and throwing her arms around her cousin. "Did you have trouble finding it?"

Jacob scoffs. "As if someone could, love." She brushes him off with a roll of her eyes and we all share a laugh. "We are really glad you could all make it though. There's a lot of people that are dying to meet you" he tells Dylan directly.

My boyfriend swallows harshly, tugging again at his shirt. I realize then that perhaps his mom isn't his only trigger. "We'll make our way around" I assure them, squeezing my boyfriend's hand to remind him that I'm here.

They both nod in understanding, offering to show my parents where the refreshments are and once they all walk off, we find ourselves alone. "Are you okay?" I ask, searching his eyes for answers that his lips may try to convince me of otherwise.

"I'm okay" he assures me, digging his teeth into his bottom lip as he looks all around. "It's just a lot. I've missed years of getting to know people that I should've grown up with-."

"That doesn't mean you can't get to know them now" I interject, stepping closer to him and reaching out to wrap my arms around his neck. "What your mom said aside, this could be your life. Getting to know the family you always deserved to know and living with Aubrey and Jacob. It is possible."

He sighs, resting his forehead against mine. "I know it is" he mutters, nudging my nose with his. "I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize" I argue, closing every inch of space between us. "Just remember, I got you. Every single second of every single day, I'm right here to lean on, okay?" He nods and a soft smile tugs at my lips as I reach up to press my lips to his.

Of course, there's bound to be an interruption at a party full of people. "Eww! Gross!" We break apart and both of us look down to find a little girl, maybe two or three, staring up at us in pure disgust. I chuckle, sharing an amused glance with Dylan.

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