32. Rainy Daze

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The worst mornings in the summertime are the damp and rainy mornings. They do nothing to encourage you to get out of bed and once you're out of bed, it isn't like you actually want to leave your house. Going to camp today sounds exhausting.

I could already picture myself sitting in the middle of the mess hall while kids did arts and crafts, leaving spilled paste and noodles all over the floor for me to clean up later. "Morning Ems" Dylan greets me, walking into the kitchen. He had woken me up this morning, knocking on my door to ask if he could use my bathroom to shower. I thought it was pointless considering the pouring rain outside but I wasn't one to argue with boy logic.

"Good morning" I reply, continuing to stare out the window as I pushed my now mushy cereal around my bowl. "Sleep well?" I ask hopefully. The last thing I wanted was for him to start losing sleep over the situation with his mother...I was already losing enough for the both of us.

"Eh" he shrugs, opening the fridge and staring at the contents for a beat too long. He was deep in thought about something.


"Do you wanna skip work today?" he interrupts me, turning abruptly while the fridge closes behind him. My eyes widen at the abruptness of his question but I can't help but see the merit in the question. It's actually as if he had been reading my mind.

"Where would we go?" I ask, pushing my bowl away from me. We certainly couldn't stay here or my parents would know but we also couldn't do many outdoor activities considering the pouring rain outside.

"I don't know" he admits with a shrug. "I just...I really don't want to go to work today" he admits and a gentle smile tugs at my lips. I honestly couldn't agree with him more.

"Then let's go" I insist, hopping off the bar stool. If we had any chance of getting out of here before my parents woke up then we needed to go now. He grabs the keys to my car and the both of us head out into the rain, jumping into my warm, dry car. Dylan shakes out his hair as we climb in and I laugh, shielding my face from the water droplets.

"Really babe?" I exclaim, a smile wide on my lips. He smiles, putting the key in the ignition and pulling out of the driveway. I have no idea where we're headed but I also couldn't care less in that moment. I relax in my seat and reach for my phone to plug in for some tunes when I suddenly realize that my phone is still plugged in, upstairs in my bedroom. "Shit" I murmur. Dylan looks over at me briefly before returning his gaze to the road.

"What's wrong?"

"My phone is in my room." Dylan chuckles as we come to a stop at a red light. He quickly unbuckles himself and lifts his hips, digging his phone from his own back pocket.

"Here. Play whatever you want" he tells me. I smile, reaching for the aux cord as he buckles himself back in and merges back into traffic as the light turns green. I plug in his phone and immediately open his music library, searching for the perfect playlist until finally I stumble upon a country playlist he seemingly made years ago.

The first song blares through the speakers and old school Taylor Swift comes on making a giggle tumble from my lips. "I didn't realize you were a Swiftie" I tease my boyfriend who shakes his head adamantly.

"I promise I'm not. My uh" he pauses, glancing at me once more. "My ex used to add songs to my playlists without telling me" he explains. I purse my lips. I remember the story of his ex. The one that left him when things got hard. I swore I'd probably lose my damn mind if I ever met the girl in person. How anyone could walk away from someone they love when they're going through something like that-. "I know what you're thinking" he interrupts my thoughts.

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