12. The Storm // Part 2

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The sudden shrill of a whistle is what I wake up to the next morning. I literally roll off my bed and onto the floor in shock. "What the hell?" I groan, cradling my head as I look up to find the devil reincarnated standing over me with a hot pink whistle hanging around her neck and a sinister smirk on her lips.

"Morning" she says simply before turning on her heels and walking out of the cabin.

"I'm gonna murder that girl" Lily complains from the top bunk. "She's lucky I was already awake" she adds making my eyes widen as I stand up and crane my neck to look up at her.

"Why were you already awake?" I question though if the way her fingers were moving across the keyboard of her phone was any indication I could only guess that she was up early texting Julian.

"No reason" she shrugs, tossing her phone onto her bed before positioning herself so she's hanging off the edge. "How's your head?" she then asks making me wince as I'm reminded of the head trauma I just suffered at the hands of Rachel.

"It hurts" I complain. "I hate her so much" I grumble as I make my way towards my suitcase and begin rummaging through it for something to wear. "Is it supposed to be hot today?" I ask as I look between a pair of capris and a pair of shorts.

"Eh" she shrugs. "Nothing too crazy. I'd go with the shorts though" she adds as she hops down, already dressed in a bright yellow sundress that had a brown belt under her bust to accentuate her chest. "I'm heading down to the dock. Meet me there when you're ready" she demands before walking out the door.

I furrow my eyebrows. We had to do things with the campers today, we couldn't just let them fend for themselves. I supposed I could hang out for a few minutes though.

I grab the shorts and decide on a simple light blue v-neck tank and slip into the outfit. After running a brush over my teeth and through my hair I snatch up my phone and head out the door to make my way towards the dock...of course this couldn't be an easy task.

As soon as I step out of the cabin I'm met with Kyle leaning against the railing with a mischievous grin on his face. "You're looking hot girl" he says making me roll my eyes.

"You say that to all the girls?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at him as I brush past him but of course he's incapable of taking hints.

"Oh come on Emmy" he begs. "You know you still like me. I was an ass but-."

"But what?" I snap, turning on him. "Jesus Christ I cannot believe I actually considered sleeping with you at one point. You are nothing but an asshole who enjoys playing with girl's feelings. I'm not a toy Kyle and I have a boyfriend who I really like and who treats me like a queen. I don't want you back. Not even a little bit" I finish, turning back around in an attempt to find my way to the dock but he's persistent.

"Emma I was an asshole once upon a time but it's different now." I ignore him and keep walking hoping he'll get the hint and in time he does but not without parting words. "Alright Ems fine. Pretend you don't want me but sooner or later you're gonna come running back to me."

I roll my eyes as I make it to the dock and step out to find not only my best friend and Julian but my boyfriend. "Dylan" I shriek as I run towards him.

He laughs as he catches me and puts his arms around me in a tight embrace. "Hey beautiful. You miss me or something?" he teases as we pull apart and I'm able to get a good look at him. He's wearing a pair of swimming trunks and a cut-off tank top that causes all of your attention to be drawn to his impressive biceps not to mention his well-defined torso that's hiding underneath.

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