33. Ambushed

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The next day we have to go to work. Skipping two days in a row just wasn't an option and we both know it.

I wake up after snoozing my alarm three times and climb out of bed to brush my teeth, comb my hair and get dressed. I opt for a pair of white shorts and an orange tank top today, slipping on a pair of Old Navy flip-flops before heading downstairs for breakfast.

I'm not shocked to find my boyfriend already awake and dressed when I get to the kitchen. He had decided on a pair of khaki shorts and a light blue tank top that let everyone admire the full extent of his muscled arms. I certainly was. "Morning beautiful" he smiles, setting his glass of orange juice back onto the table. "Your mom made some hash brown thing. It's delicious."

My mom smiles as I take a seat beside my boyfriend, sliding a plate towards me. "If I recall, it's your favorite breakfast as well." She wasn't wrong. Hash browns, cheese and bacon...what could be better? I grab my fork and take a large bite, humming in delight. My mom was an excellent cook. "So," my mom begins conversationally, "excited to get back to work today?"

"Yea. Yesterday was fun and all but-." Dylan's eyes widen halfway through his response and my fork falls from my hand as I stare at my mom in shock. How the hell did she know?

"W-what? How?" I stutter and she smiles triumphantly.

"First of all, you were both home earlier than normal yesterday. Secondly, your shoes tracked sand into the house. And third, Meg called yesterday to confirm that Emma was actually home sick because she found it suspicious that both her and her boyfriend called in on the same day."

I bite my lip. Apparently we weren't as smooth as we thought we were. "Mom, we can explain-."

"I don't want an explanation. Dylan, sweetheart, can I have a moment alone with my daughter?" she asks, skirting around the counter and coming to sit across from me.

I stare pleadingly at my boyfriend, hoping to God that he doesn't leave me alone with my mother right now but understandably, he stands up and walks out of the room. I exhale shakily, turning to face my mother. Luckily, she doesn't look like she's going to kill me but I've never seen a murderer seconds before they commit their crime. Maybe they all look this calm.

"Mom, please-."

"I understand needing a day off sometimes. Especially with what's been going on" she says, taking me by surprise. "But what I don't appreciate is being lied to and that's what you did yesterday. I presented you with the perfect opportunity to tell me the truth yesterday and you lied straight to my face." I remember her asking me how work was and I remember the blatant lie I told her. And if the guilt wasn't already building up-. "Why was Dylan in your room yesterday?"

I look up at her, wanting so badly to lie, to save my ass and his. "Mom-."

"Your hair was wet and I don't think it was from the rain." She stares deeply into my eyes, daring me to lie. "Are you having sex with him?" I stare at her blankly. My mother wasn't an idiot. She had been my age once and fallen pregnant with me not so many years later. I swallow harshly.

"I wanted to tell you-."

"Emma" she sighs, standing up and beginning to pace. "I thought we taught you that you could talk to us about these things-."

"What things?" I exclaim, jumping out of me seat too. "Up until a few months ago I couldn't even come to you with my feelings. And now you're telling me that I should've known that I could tell you that I slept with the boy you're letting live under our roof. Do you hear yourself?"

"Do you hear yourself is a better question." I look away from my mother and find my father standing in the doorway. "Apologize to your mother."

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