The beginning

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A/N:I hope you all enjoy the chapter!
Warning:THIS BOOK IS FULL OF GAYNESS and some chapters may have cussing! As I said before enjoy the chapter!


Chapter 1:The Beginning

Another day.. Natsuki thought while yawing she scretched her arms she then looked over at the alarm OH SHIT I'M GOING TO BE LATE HOW DID I FORGET TO PUT A ALARM?!
She yelled in her mind before jumping off of bed and quickly changing into her school outfit.

She ran to her classroom she wasn't late thankfully she sighed "Thank god I'm not late.."she just wanted to get this day over with when the teacher started to teach them.

:Time skip:

Natsuki walked in the hallway glaring at everyone who met her eye she was not ready to go home...she knew he would be awake she sighed she looked over at the wall seeing a poster she titled her head before reading it "Join the Literature Club now! We write poems,we read books,and we always enjoy a good cup of coffee!!"
She smirked Yes! A club! I don't have to go home yet! She remembered that Sayori practically begged her to come today too she started to run to the club room.

Yuri tried her best to dodge people in the halls she did bump into some people she ran to a wall where it was safe.
There was basically no one there she smiled softly Finally...alone time.. she giggled slightly her smile soon faded away ...Maybe I can get a few cu- no no not in school! I can wait... it was getting harder to control her urges she sighed softly before she was about to walk away she heard a paper crumble she looked down a poster it must've fell of the wall she picked it up reading the poster "Join the Literature Club now we write poems, read books, and we always enjoy a good cup of tea!"Her attention was on the tea part she always loved drinking tea while reading a horror book she smiled before looking where the club room was located she started to walk to the direction of the club.

Natsuki stepped into the girl there was two girls.
One had a red bow named Sayori her best friend while the other-

Natsuki screamed loudly she shook her mind "Hm?" Monika looked over her eyes went wide before she had a giant smile in her face "Oh it's you Natsuki!" She giggled Natsuki looked over at Sayori who just shrugged.

"Oh you two know each other?"Sayori asked sounding cheeeful as ever Natsuki said nothing "Something like that!"Monika said before she looked back at Natsuki "Been a while hasn't it Cutesuki?" Natsuki glared at Monika she clunched her hand into a fist "DON'T CALL ME CUTE! I'M NOT CUTE MONIKA!"
Monika grinned before sighing"Ah..Sorry sorry Natsuki heh I should've remembered you don't like being called that"Monika rubbed her neck slightly Natsuki was a blushing mess whenever anyone called her cute she would blush madly and it made her angry.

"Anyway...You want to join the literature club what made you join?"Monika asked Natsuki gladly responded "Well Sayori told me to come here and of course she made me say yes..."She glared at Sayori "I'm sorryyyyyy I was...I just wanted you to be hereee!"Sayori squeaked sweating a bit Natsuki rolled her eyes "So is anyone else in this club?"Sayori eyes lit up she nodded fastly "Yeah! We have another member named Yuri!"Natsuki nodded "Anddd where is she..?"Natsuki saw Sayori's expression change to a smirk.

"N-NOT THAT I WANT TO KNOW OR ANYTHING!" she yelled "AND WHAT'S WITH THAT SMIRK SAYORI?!"she snapped at Sayori "Oh nothing~ Ehehe~"Sayori said in a singing tone.

Monika looked over at Sayori with a confused loom before realizing what she was smirking about that caused Monika to giggle slightly "WHAT'S SO FUNNY?!"Natsuki asked feeling her blush rise "Nothing Natsuki also Yuri is making tea so she should ne back in a minute or two!"She explained

"Oh..okay"Natsuki looked around "So you guys have any manga?"
Monika was the first to respond her voice was confused yet steady
"Uh...No.."she took a short pause
"..Natsuki.....Manga isn't..literature"
Natsuki was shocked she soon had a glare on her face.

......What the fuck did she just say...?


Hope you all enjoyed see you all in the next chapter sorry if it's boring ;^;
I'll make it better next chapter!

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